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Live updating with systemd services

Manuel Mendez edited this page Nov 8, 2023 · 1 revision

If you just installed mako and are changing config file rapidly and manually running makoctl reload and some test notify-send command here is an example of how to automate that process.

Create ~/.config/mako/ script, that will also send you test notification:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

makoctl reload
# to test a 'high' urgency notification add '-u critical '
notify-send -a "Test notif app" -i firefox -t 5000 "Here is some summary" "needed to <s>create</s> that script cuz /usr/bin/makoctl reload wasn't working and was preventing the notification to appear with no logs"

Create watcher service and don’t forget to alter the path to the script in ExecStart param:

# ~/.config/systemd/user/mako-watcher.service

Description=mako notifications tester



Create a .path service, that you will also need to start. Watcher won’t work without it. Also edit PathModified param to match your full path to mako folder.

# ~/.config/systemd/user/mako-watcher.path



Enable those 2 user services:

systemctl --user enable --now mako-watcher.service
systemctl --user enable --now mako-watcher.path

Now whenever you edit any file in ~/.config/mako mako will reload its config and send you a test notification.

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