Thanks to community member alexandrecuer for an up-to-date Emoncms docker
Standalone image with everything inside:
Included modules : graph, dashboard, app, sync, postprocess, backup
emonHub docker:
Note: this is not a drop in replacement for the emoncms-docker container, this is an all-in-one image with different architecture
For more details on how to organize you compose file :
Note: This docker installation is not quite a complete Emoncms installation. In general we recommend building an Emoncms installation using our EmonScripts installation script on a Debian/Ubuntu/RaspberryPi based system, this said this docker image does provide a useful alternative approach to get a simple but functional emoncms installation up and running.
Latest image hosted on docker hub: openenergymonitor/emoncms:latest
docker pull openenergymonitor/emoncms
git clone
cd emoncms-docker
docker-compose up
That's it! Emoncms should now be running: http://localhost:8080
If running Linux Docker-compose will also need to be installed separately. Docker-toolbox on Mac and Windows includes Docker-compose
If running on Linux highly recommended to create Docker group to avoid having to use sudo
with Docker commands:
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
docker run hello-world
After restarting terminal (logout & log back in), you should now be able to docker run hello-world
without sudo
If you want to edit the emoncms file (dev) it's best to clone them externally to docker then mount volume into the container:
Uncomment in docker-compose.override.yml
##mount emoncms files from local FS for dev
- ./emoncms:/var/www/emoncms
Then clone the repos into ./emoncms
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up
If you get an error bind: address already in use
, this means there is already a process on the host machine listening on port 8080. You can check what processes are listening on ports by running sudo netstat -plnt
. There are two options, either change the emoncms web container port to use a different port then rebuild the container or kill the process currently running on the host machine using the same port.
Note: If Emoncms Docker being used for production / testing (i.e modifying the Emoncms files at run-time is not required) there is no need to clone emoncms core & modules since by default the Emoncms git master branch is cloned when the containers are built (see Dockerfile), this cloned 'snapshot' is then overwritten by the Emoncms files mounted from local file-system when running development docker-compose (default)
Run the following script to clone the emoncms
repository along with the dashboard
and graph
Further modules can be found in the emoncms git repo e.g. backup, WiFi etc.
The file structure should look like:
+-- emoncms-docker
¦ +-- Dockerfile
¦ +-- docker-compose.yml
+-- emoncms
¦ +-- <emoncms-core files>
¦ +-- e.g index.php
¦ +-- Modules
¦ +-- <core-modules> e.g. admin, feed, input
¦ +-- <optional-modules> e.g dashboard
For development the default settings in default.docker.env
are used. For production a .env
file should be created with secure database Credentials. See Production setup info below.
Edit config/php.ini
to add custom php settings e.g. timezone (default Europe)
Required on first run or if Dockerfile
or Docker-compose.yml
are changed:
docker-compose build
Start as foreground service:
docker-compose up
Stop with [CTRL + c]
That's it! Emoncms should now be runnning in Docker container, browse to http://localhost:8080
Start as background service:
docker-compose up -d
Stop the containers
docker-compose down
Stop the containers and delete the volumes (remove database and all stored data)
docker-compose down -v
Docker compose up will start two containers:
which is based on the official Docker PHP-Apache imageemon_db
which is based on the official Docker MySQL image
Infomation about how docker-compose working in Emoncms Docker.
There are three docker compose files:
The first docker-compose.yml
defines the base config; things that are common to both development and production.
The second file docker-compose.override.yml
defines additional things for development environment e.g. use default.docker-env
environment variables and mount emoncms files from local file-system instead of copy into container.
The third file
defines production specific setup e.g. expose port 80 and copy in files instead of mount. The production docker-compose file is
instead of docker-compose.override.yml
when the Emoncms Docker contains are ran as 'production'
This setup is based on the recommended Docker method, see Docker Multiple Compose Files Docs.
The development enviroment with the base + override compose is used by default e.g:
docker-compose up
To run the production compose setup run:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
Infomation about how files and databases work in Emoncms Docker.
By default when running the development compose enviroment (see above) Emoncms files are mounted from the host file system in the emon_web
Docker container at startup. This is desirable for dev. For production / deployment / clean testing run production docker compose (see above). This will copy emoncms files into the docker container on first run. Any changes made to the files inside the container will be lost when the container is stopped.
Storage for feed engines e.g. var/lib/phpfiwa
are mounted as persistent Docker file volumes e.g.emon-phpfiwa
. Data stored in these folders is persistent if the container is stopped / started but cannot be accessed outside of the container. See below for how to list and remove docker volumes.
Database storage /var/lib/mysql/data
is mounted as persistent Docker volumes e.g.emon-db-data
. Database data is persistent if the container is stopped / started but cannot be accessed outside of the container.
List running containers
docker ps
List all containsers
docker ps -a
Stop / kill all running containers:
e.g. emon_web
, emon_db
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
List all base images:
docker image ls
Remove all images:
e.g. Base images: php-apache, mysql, Ubuntu pulled from Dockerhub
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
List docker volumes (where data is stored e.g database)
docker volume ls
Remove single or all docker volumes
docker volume rm <name_of_volume>
docker volume prune
Attach a shell to a running container:
docker exec -it emoncms-docker_web_1 /bin/bash
docker login --username=yourhubusername
docker tag openenergymonitor/emoncms:<tag-name>
docker push openenergymonitor/emoncms:<tag-name>
Tag name should be the Emoncms version e.g 10.x.x
Also push the latest version using latest
docker tag openenergymonitor/emoncms:latest
docker tag openenergymonitor/emoncms:latest