Storm on kubernetes and openshift
The main cluster components are:
- zookeeper: the cluster requires a zookeeper in order to manage the states of the different parts. Take a look at zookeeper project
- storm: nimbus (master), supervisors (workers), logviewer, ui, ...
These are the resources which are going to be deployed:
- ConfigMap: The common way to provide the configuration of each process of our storm cluster is by supplying a ConfigMap. The keys of this ConfigMap are the name of the configuration files, and values are the content of those files.
- StatefulSet: A special deployment with permanent identity of each replica.
- DeploymentConfig (openshift) or Deployment (kubernetes): Define how to deploy pods.
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler: Change the number of replicas according to CPU usage.
If you are thinking about a storm deployment on kubernetes these resources could help you.
In this case the main resources are openshift templates
If you just want to use docker compose we've left some resources in compose directory