Gede Primahadi Wijaya
of Oxford/Udayana University
This work is part of the AHRC-funded
research to build
lexical resources for Enggano, led by the Faculty of Linguistics,
Philology and Phonetics at the University of Oxford, UK. Visit the
central webpage of the Enggano
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Please cite the source of the data set (Stokhof and Almanar 1987) (if in APA7th) and the particular version of this repository (Rajeg 2023b) (in DataCite) as follows:
Stokhof, W. A. L., & Almanar, A. E. (1987). Holle lists, vocabularies in languages of Indonesia, Vol. 10/3: Islands off the west coast of Sumatra: Vol. Materials in Languages of Indonesia. Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University.
Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya (2023). CLDF dataset of the Enggano word list from 1895 in Stokhof and Almanar’s (1987) Holle List. University of Oxford. Dataset.
For future updates and version of records, please check the Releases page on this GitHub repository and its Zenodo archive.
This repository contains processed, digitised word list of the late-19th century Enggano (collected in c1895 by Abs vd Noord) that appears in Stokhof and Almanar’s (1987) Holle List (cf. Stokhof 1980); the list is then included in the EnoLEX online database (Rajeg, Krauße, and Pramartha 2024; Krauße, Rajeg, et al. 2024; Krauße, Zobel, et al. 2024; Rajeg et al. 2025). The repository also provides the R codes to process the raw word list into tabular format that conforms to the specification of the Wordlist module in the Cross-Linguistic Data Formats (CLDF) (Forkel et al. 2018). The tabular format is generated via combining the raw Enggano word list data with the main, new basic list (NBL) of the Holle List in Stockhof (1980). The NBL has been digitised and available online (cf. Rajeg 2023a).
This repository is also available on the Oxford Research Archive (ORA) via this link.
Forkel, Robert, Johann-Mattis List, Simon J. Greenhill, Christoph Rzymski, Sebastian Bank, Michael Cysouw, Harald Hammarström, Martin Haspelmath, Gereon A. Kaiping, and Russell D. Gray. 2018. “Cross-Linguistic Data Formats, Advancing Data Sharing and Re-Use in Comparative Linguistics.” Scientific Data 5 (1): 180205.
Krauße, Daniel, Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, Cokorda Rai Adi Pramartha, Erik Zobel, Bernd Nothofer, Charlotte Hemmings, Sarah Ogilvie, I Wayan Arka, and Mary Dalrymple. 2024. “EnoLEX: A Diachronic Lexical Database for the Enggano Language.” Online database. University of Oxford: University of Oxford’s Sustainable Digital Scholarship.
Krauße, Daniel, Erik Zobel, Bernd Nothofer, and Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg. 2024. “Enggano Etymological List.” Dataset. University of Oxford: University of Oxford’s Sustainable Digital Scholarship.
Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya. 2023a. “Digitised, searchable Holle List in Stokhof (1980).” Dataset. University of Oxford: University of Oxford’s Sustainable Digital Scholarship.
———. 2023b. “CLDF Dataset of the Enggano Word List from 1895 in Stokhof and Almanar’s (1987) Holle List.” Dataset. University of Oxford: University of Oxford’s Sustainable Digital Scholarship.
Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya, Daniel Krauße, and Cokorda Pramartha. 2024. “EnoLEX: A Diachronic Lexical Database for the Enggano Language.” In AsiaLex 2024 Proceedings: Asian Lexicography - Merging Cutting-Edge and Established Approaches, edited by Ai Inoue, Naho Kawamoto, and Makoto Sumiyoshi, 123–32. Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan.
Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya, Daniel Krauße, Cokorda Rai Adi Pramartha, Erik Zobel, Bernd Nothofer, Charlotte Hemmings, Sarah Ogilvie, I Wayan Arka, and Mary Dalrymple. 2025. “R Codes and Curated Dataset for ‘EnoLEX: A Diachronic Lexical Database for the Enggano Language’.” Computer Software. University of Oxford: University of Oxford’s Sustainable Digital Scholarship.
Stokhof, W. A. L., ed. 1980. Holle Lists, Vocabularies in Languages of Indonesia, Vol. 1: Introductory Volume. Vol. Materials in Languages of Indonesia. Canberra, A.C.T., Australia: Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University.
Stokhof, W. A. L., and Alma E. Almanar. 1987. Holle Lists, Vocabularies in Languages of Indonesia, Vol. 10/3: Islands Off the West Coast of Sumatra. Vol. Materials in Languages of Indonesia. Pacific Linguistics (Series d) 76. Canberra, A.C.T., Australia: Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University.