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An Excel Based File Management utility for Windows Operating System


  1. Recursive Tracing of all files within a given folder and its sub folders
  2. Recursive Extraction of all the zip files (including nested zip files) within a given folder and its sub folders
  3. Matches file descriptions to the traced files when a file description index is provided
  4. Copy filtered subset of traced files (with / without the folder structure + optional rename functionality)
  5. Bulk convert Office files to PDF / HTML formats
  6. Duplicate detection and Change tracking based on File hashes


A one-time setup of pre-requisites must be done in-order to use this utility.

  1. Open the windows Command Prompt (Start -> cmd)
  2. Copy and Paste the below mentioned one time setup script into the command prompt and hit Enter key
  3. Accept the terms for du.exe (Disk Usage)

One time Setup script

powershell -command Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile "%temp%\"
powershell -command Expand-Archive "%temp%\" -DestinationPath "%localappdata%" -Force
%localappdata%/Utils/du.exe %temp% > %temp%/du.txt
echo "FileManager > Prerequisite Setup Successful! > ☺" & timeout 5 > NUL & exit
echo "."

What will be downloaded during the One time Setup?

Id. Prerequisite Description Publisher About the Prerequisite
1. du.exe Disk Usage Microsoft Used to compute folder size
2. fciv.exe File Checksum Integrity Verifier Microsoft Used to generate SHA512 File Digest (Hash)
3. 7z.exe 7-Zip Open Source Used to extract zip files
4. 7z.dll 7-Zip Open Source Used to extract zip files