These steps assume that YOLO batch processing created by vincentgong7 is already downloaded and installed - Details on how to install YOLO batch processing can be found here:
A1. Put all the images you wish to classify in one folder with an appropriate organizational scheme and naming convention. As an example:
A2. Move this folder to the "input" folder. As an example:
A3. Create an output folder for the YOLO classified images inside the "output" folder with the same name as step A1.
B0. Activate "yolo" conda environment by using the below command in Terminal:
conda activate yolo
B1. Navigate to the "/VG_AlexeyAB_darknet" folder.
cd /VG_AlexeyAB_darknet
B2. Run the YOLO batch processing command below and adapt the paths to your specific usecase:
./darknet detector batch cfg/ cfg/yolov4.cfg weights/yolov4.weights io_folders ../input/Human ../ouput/Human -out ../metadata/human_result_metadata.json -ext_output > ../metadata/human_result_metadata.txt