Package for Laravel framework -
overrides remember
method of Laravel Cache using lock mechanism
to avoid multiply generation of the same data (as a result of
race condition) when cache becomes invalid.
- PHP >= 7.4
- Laravel >= 7.0
Install (or update) package via composer:
composer require enikeishik/cachewithlock
Make sure autoload will be changed:
composer dump-autoload
Publish package via artisan:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Enikeishik\CacheWithLock\ServiceProvider"
This command copy configuration file into corresponding project folder.
Package service provider contains an extend
call to override Laravel Cache class.
So there is no need to make any changes in code.
Overriding can be disabled in package configuration.
Without overriding Laravel Cache use CacheWithLock
use CacheWithLock;
$value = CacheWithLock::remember(...);