Redux middleware to transform a specific object into a promise-returning axios request.
npm install --save @enkidevs/redux-meta-object-to-axios-request
Import the middleware creator and include it in applyMiddleware
when creating the Redux store.
import { applyMiddleware, createStore } from 'redux';
import reduxMetaObjectToAxiosRequest from 'redux-meta-object-to-axios-request';
const middlewares = [
// ...other middleware
// create the reduxMetaObjectToAxiosRequest middleware
// optional global axios options applied to every request
axiosOptions: {
timeout: 300
// require token options with the storage
// the storage key name is optional and will default to 'redux-meta-object-to-axios-request-token-key'
tokenOptions: {
storage = window.localStorage,
key = 'token-key'
// ...other middleware
const createStoreWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(...middlewares)(createStore);
To use the middleware, dispatch a promise
property within the meta
of the action.
The below action creator, when triggered dispatch(addTodoActionCreator('use redux-meta-object-to-axios-request'))
export function addTodoActionCreator(text) {
return {
type: "ADD_TODO",
payload: {
meta: {
promise: {
url: "/todo",
method: "post",
data: {
will dispatch
type: "ADD_TODO",
payload: {
text: "use redux-optimist-promise"
promise: axiosPromise({ url: "/todo", method: "post", data: { text } })
import { applyMiddleware, createStore } from 'redux';
import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native'
import reduxMetaObjectToAxiosRequest from 'redux-meta-object-to-axios-request';
const middleware = [
// ...other middleware
tokenOptions: {
storage: AsyncStorage
// ...other middleware
const createStoreWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(...middlewares)(createStore);
- to save the token to the token storage, add the
export function loginActionCreator({ username, password }) {
return {
type: "LOGIN",
meta: {
promise: {
url: "/#",
method: "post",
saveToken: true, // signal to the middleware to save the token in the storage
data: {
- to remove the token from the token storage, add the
export function logoutActionCreator({ username, password }) {
return {
type: "LOGOUT",
meta: {
promise: {
url: "/logout",
method: "post",
removeToken: true, // signal to the middleware to remove the token from the storage
- to send the token saved in the storage when sending the axios request, use the
export function authRequestActionCreator({ username, password }) {
return {
meta: {
promise: {
url: "/auth-route",
method: "get",
authenticated: true, // signal to the middleware to send the stored token along with the request
- to debounce the request you can use a raw number (defaults to trailing debounce) or a
{ wait: Number, leading: Boolean, trailing: Boolean }
export function searchActionCreator(text) {
return {
type: "SEARCH",
meta: {
promise: {
url: "/search",
method: "get",
// signal to the middleware to debounce the request after 300ms
debounce: 300,
// or (same as above)
debounce: {
wait: 300,
trailing: true
// or you can also use leading debounce
debounce: {
wait: 300,
leading: true
- to propagate any other axios options, just specify them:
export function uploadImageActionCreator({ data, onUploadProgress }) {
return {
meta: {
promise: {
method: "post",
url: "/upload-image",
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
onUploadProgress, // propagate onUploadProgress to axios