This is the checker lib that shall be used by all checkers in ENOWARS3 and ENOWARS4.
For a simple checker, subclass enochecker.BaseChecker
from enochecker import BaseChecker, BrokenServiceException, run
class AwesomeChecker(BaseChecker):
def putflag(self): # type: () -> None
# TODO: Put flag to service
self.debug("flag is {}".format(self.flag))
self.http_post("/putflaghere", params={"flag": self.flag})
# ...
def getflag(self): # type: () -> None
# tTODO: Get the flag.
if not self.http_get("/getflag") == self.flag:
raise BrokenServiceException("Ooops, wrong Flag")
def putnoise(self):
# put some noise
with self.connect() as telnet:
def getnoise(self):
with self.connect() as telnet:
def havoc(self):
self.http("FUNFUN").text == "FUNFUN"
if __name__ == "__main__":
A full example, including helpful comments, can be found in
The full documentation (still in progress) is available on
(There is some not yet ported information in the old docs/
The latest stable version of the library is available on pip: pip install enochecker
To access the development version, the library can be installed using pip/git, like:
pip install git+
The goal is to have checkers launched via gunicorn or uSWGI and the Engine talking to it via http. For testing, however, you can use the commandline instead:
usage: run [-h] [-a ADDRESS] [-n TEAM_NAME] [-r ROUND] [-f FLAG]
[-t MAX_TIME] [-i CALL_IDX] [-p [PORT]]
positional arguments:
The Method, one of ['putflag', 'getflag', 'putnoise',
'getnoise', 'havoc'] or "listen" to start checker
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
The ip or address of the remote team to check
-n TEAM_NAME, --team_name TEAM_NAME
The teamname of the team to check
-r ROUND, --round ROUND
The round we are in right now
-f FLAG, --flag FLAG The Flag, a Fake flag or a Unique ID, depending on the
-t MAX_TIME, --max_time MAX_TIME
The maximum amount of time the script has to execute
in seconds
-i CALL_IDX, --call_idx CALL_IDX
Unique numerical index per round. Each id only occurs
once and is tighly packed, starting with 0. In a
service supporting multiple flags, this would be used
to decide which flag to place.
-p [PORT], --port [PORT]
The port the checker should attack
Many nice features for CTF Checker writing, obviously. Also, under-the-hood changes on the Engine can be made without any problems.
For further instructions on how to write a checker with this Framework look at docs/
Now, code away :).