A pipeline to format and harmonize Polygenic Score (PGS) Catalog Scoring Files within and between different genome builds.
External users NB: the pipeline will run very slowly if only rsIDs are given, because it looks up each rsID in 200
variant batches using the Ensembl API. There are ways to speed this up by looking up the total set of rsIDs once using the
script and the public MySQL connection.
- Python packages: requests, pandas, pyliftover, tqdm, cyvcf2
- VCFs from Ensembl (in
) or a specific cohort (in/map/cohort_ref/
). Ensembl VCFs can be downloaded by running theDownloadMappings.py
script in the project directory.
$ python ./Harmonize.py -h usage: Harmonize.py [-h] {HmPOS,HmVCF} ... Harmonize a PGS Catalog Scoring file (PGS######.txt.gz) to a specific genome build. positional arguments: {HmPOS,HmVCF} Harmonization Commands help HmPOS HmPOS - Harmonizing position information (adding/updating chr/pos information) HmVCF HmVCF - Checking positional information and/or adding other_alleles optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit
$ python ./Harmonize.py HmPOS -h usage: Harmonize.py HmPOS [-h] [-loc_files DIR] [-source_build GENOMEBUILD] [-loc_hmoutput DIR] [--var2location] [--silent_tqdm] [--ignore_rsid] [--gzip] PGS###### GRCh3# positional arguments: PGS###### PGS Catalog Score ID GRCh3# Target genome build choices: 'GRCh37'or GRCh38' optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -loc_files DIR Root directory where the PGS files are located, otherwise assumed to be in: ../pgs_ScoringFiles/ -source_build GENOMEBUILD Source genome build [overwrites information in the scoring file header] -loc_hmoutput DIR Directory where the harmonization output will be saved (default: PGS_HmPOS/) --var2location Uses the annotations from the var2location.pl script (ENSEMBL SQL connection) --silent_tqdm Disables tqdm progress bar --ignore_rsid Ignores rsID mappings and harmonizes variants using only liftover --gzip Writes gzipped harmonized output
$ python ./Harmonize.py HmVCF -h usage: Harmonize.py HmVCF [-h] [-loc_files DIR] [-loc_hmoutput DIR] [-cohort_vcf COHORT] [--addOtherAllele] [--addVariantID] [--author_reported] [--skip_strandflips] [--silent_tqdm] [--gzip] PGS###### GRCh3# positional arguments: PGS###### PGS Catalog Score ID GRCh3# Target genome build choices: 'GRCh37'or GRCh38' optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -loc_files DIR Root directory where the PGS files are located, otherwise assumed to be in: PGS_HmPOS/ -loc_hmoutput DIR Directory where the harmonization output will be saved (default: PGS_HmPOS/) -cohort_vcf COHORT Cohort VCF: Used to check if a variant is present in the genotyped/imputed variants for a cohort and add other allele when the information from ENSEMBL is ambiguous (multiple potential alleles) --addOtherAllele Adds a other_allele(s) column for PGS that only have a recorded effect_allele --addVariantID Returns a column with the ID from the VCF corresponding to the match variant/allele(s) --author_reported Replaces unmappable variants (hm_code = -5) with the author-reported code (hm_code = 0) --skip_strandflips This flag will stop the harmonizing from trying to correct strand flips --silent_tqdm Disables tqdm progress bar --gzip Writes gzipped harmonized output
To test that the pipeline can run try these commands on the test data in the project directory:
# PGS000015
## GRCh37
python Harmonize.py HmPOS PGS000015 GRCh37 -loc_files ./test_data/ --gzip
python Harmonize.py HmVCF PGS000015 GRCh37 --gzip
## GRCh38
python Harmonize.py HmPOS PGS000015 GRCh38 -loc_files ./test_data/ --gzip
python Harmonize.py HmVCF PGS000015 GRCh38 --gzip
# PGS000065
## GRCh37
python Harmonize.py HmPOS PGS000065 GRCh37 -loc_files ./test_data/ --gzip
python Harmonize.py HmVCF PGS000065 GRCh37 --gzip
## GRCh38
python Harmonize.py HmPOS PGS000065 GRCh38 -loc_files ./test_data/ --gzip
python Harmonize.py HmVCF PGS000065 GRCh38 --gzip
pseudocode (adapted from GWAS Catalog README)
READ/PARSE PGS Scoring File and headers FOR each variant IF RSID maps to genomic location in Ensembl THEN update locations based on Ensembl mapping IF RSID != original RSID THEN update rsID (provide original rsID in hm_info) ELIF Able to liftover locations to current build THEN liftover locations to current build ELSE *flag* variant and provide original mappings in hm_info column as dictionary ENDIF CHECK variant alleles against ENSEMBL or cohort-specific VCF and flag if the alleles are consistent (e.g. present, flipped, palindromic, etc) ENDFOR
|Code|Description of harmonisation process |
| 5 | Mapped [variant exists in REFERENCE VCF] |
| 4 | Mapped [variant exists in REFERENCE VCF, other allele(s) with|
| | ambiguous orientations exist at the locus] |
| 3 | Mapped [variant in REFERENCE VCF with ambiguous orientation |
| | (e.g. A/T, C/G variants) ] |
| 0 | Author-reported variant information (not found in VCF) |
|-1 | Unable to map the variant |
|-4 | Strands flipped? [reverse complement alleles exist in VCF, |
| | default behaviour is to correct by flipping]|
|-5 | Variant doesn't exist in the REFERENCE VCF |
OpenTargets GWAS summary statistics harmoniser
- Harmonization flowchart : https://github.com/opentargets/genetics-sumstat-harmoniser/blob/master/flowchart_v3.svg
GWAS Catalog Summary Statistics harmonisation
- Slightly different but uses the OpenTargets code/pipeline
- UCSC liftover tools
- pyliftover - code: https://github.com/konstantint/pyliftover
- GRCh38 (Current release): https://rest.ensembl.org/documentation/info/variation_post
- GRCh37 (Past release): http://grch37.rest.ensembl.org/documentation/info/variation_post