This is an event bus library for usage in Go programs. It is a powerful and straightforward event management tool for Go applications. It enables easy subscription to and publication of events on various topics identified by string-based topics. It also allows publishers to supply data. This library is ideal for applications requiring a simple yet effective event-driven architecture.
- Event Subscription: Subscribe to events using string-based topics.
- Generic Event Data: Publish events with generic/typed data.
- Sequential Event Processing: Processes published events in sequence within a single Go routine.
- Subscription Management: Manage subscriptions with subscriber IDs, allowing for easy unregistration.
- Dynamic Buffer Size: Configure the internal buffer size for event handling.
Install the library using the following Go command:
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
bus := eventbus.New[string]()
defer bus.Stop()
sub, err := bus.Subscribe("my-topic", func(msg string) error {
fmt.Println("Received message:", msg)
return nil
if err != nil {
// handle subscription error
bus.Publish("my-topic", "Hello, EventBus!")
// Handle - locates and removes the subscription with specified handle ID.
// Topic - removes all subscriptions for a givent topic.
// Subscriber - removes all subscriptions for a given subscriber.
// Topic & Subscriber - removes all subscriptions for a given topic and subscriber.
bus.Unsubscribe(eventbus.Topic("my-topic"), eventbus.Subscriber(sub))
If an error or a panic occurs during the execution of messageHandler
, then
the system will call an error handler if one is provided.
sub, err := bus.Subscribe("my-topic", messageHandler, eventbus.Error(myErrorHandler))
bus := eventbus.New[string](eventbus.BufferSize(200))
We welcome contributions to this project. Please submit pull requests with your proposed changes or improvements.
This library is under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the repository for more details.