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Seth Vargo edited this page May 7, 2012 · 2 revisions

As outlined in the README, there are four primary components to Envelope:


In development, Envelope only has gem dependencies. That means you can simply run bundle install and your local version of Envelope is ready to go. There are known issues with thin and Windows machines, however. We recommend developing on a Mac or *nix-based machine.

In production, it is recommended that you compile your own source versions of Solr. It is also recommended that you switch from delayed_job to resque, to limit the number of calls to the database. That procedure will be covered in further depth in a future page.


To install envelope on your local machine for development, start by fetching the codebase from github and installing all the dependencies:

git clone
bundle install

This could take awhile, so please be patient.

Next, you'll need to configure MySQL. By default, envelope uses the following database information:

  database: 'envelope_development'
  username: 'envelope'
  password: 'envelope'

  database: 'envelope_production'
  username: 'envelope'
  password: 'envelope'

  database: 'envelope_test'
  username: 'envelope'
  password: 'envelope'

You do not have to use those values, just edit config/database.yml and update the appropriate fields for your installation.

Finally, seed the database with some default data:

bundle exec rake db:seed

You should be ready to run envelope. Use foreman to start up the application and all it's dependencies:

bundle exec foreman start


System-based mailers do not send in development

By default, Envelope will use sendmail to deliver it internal mailers. If you do not have sendmail installed, change the method in config/development.rb.

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