This repo contains haystack-agent, which can be run as a side-car container or a standalone agent on the host on which your micro service is running. One needs to add the haystack client libraries in the application to push the spans to the agent and haystack-blobs library to push blobs to the agent.
The span listener of haystack-agent runs as a GRPC server that accepts spans. It collects the spans and dispatches them to one or more sinks, depending upon the configuration. The supported sinks are Kafka and AWS Kinesis and HTTP; dispatchers for these three sinks are provided "out of the box" in this repository.
The blob listener of haystack-agent runs as a GRPC server that accepts blobs. It collects the blobs and dispatches them to one or more sinks, depending upon the configuration. The typical sink is AWS S3; dispatchers for this sink is provided "out of the box" in this repository.
We strongly encourage the open source community to contribute additional dispatchers to this repo, but developers are free to write custom dispatchers in a private repository.
The haystack-agent uses the SPI design architecture.
The fat jar that gets built from this code contains single agent providers with four dispatchers (logger, Kinesis, Kafka and HTTP) for spans and one dispatcher for blobs(AWS S3), as mentioned above and discussed in more detail below.
The agents are loaded depending upon the configuration that can be provided via a http endpoint or a local file like
java -jar bundlers/haystack-agent/target/haystack-agent-<version>.jar --config-provider file --file-path docker/default.conf
The main method in AgentLoader class loads and initializes the agents using ServiceLoader.load().
Each agent further loads the configured dispatchers using the same ServiceLoader.load() mechanism and everything is controlled through configuration.
The configuration readers are also implemented using the SPI design model. For now, we are only using file config provider that is implemented here. Below is an example configuration that loads a single agent provider that reads protobuf spans and blobs over GRPC.
The span agent spins up a GRPC server listening on port 35000 and publishes, via the configured dispatchers. The sample configuration below configures all the four Logger, Kinesis, Kafka and HTTP dispatchers.
The blob agent spins up a GRPC server listening on port 35001 and publishes, via the configured dispatchers. The sample configuration below configures AWS S3 dispatcher.
The app or microservice needs to use a GRPC client to send messages to this haystack-agent.
agents {
spans {
enabled = true
port = 35000
dispatchers {
logger {
kinesis {
Region = us-west-2
StreamName = spans
OutstandingRecordsLimit = 10000
MetricsLevel = none
kafka {
bootstrap.servers = kafka-svc:9092
producer.topic = spans
http {
url = http://collector-svc:8080/spans
client.timeout.millis = 500
client.connectionpool.idle.max = 5
client.connectionpool.keepalive.minutes = 5
ossblobs {
enabled = false
port = 35001 = 512
dispatchers {
s3 {
keep.alive = true
max.outstanding.requests = 150
should.wait.for.upload = true
max.connections = 50
retry.count = 1 = "haystack-blobs"
region = "us-east-1"
aws.access.key = "accessKey"
aws.secret.key = "secretKey"
Using images from docker hub
docker run -p 35000:35000 expediadotcom/haystack-agent:latest
Build the docker image of haystack-agent with
cp bundlers/haystack-agent/target/haystack-agent-*SNAPSHOT.jar bundlers/haystack-agent/target/haystack-agent.jar
docker build -t haystack-agent:latest -f docker/Dockerfile .
and run it as a docker container with
docker run -p 35000:35000 -e HAYSTACK_PROP_AGENTS_SPANS_DISPATCHERS_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=localhost:9092 haystack-agent:latest
We bundle default configuration with haystack-agent's docker image which only includes the Logger Dispatcher. You can override the default configuration file by providing your own:
docker run -p 35000:35000 -v ./myoptions.conf:/app/bin/default.conf expediadotcom/haystack-agent:latest
You can also override or add any property using environment variables by adding a prefix 'HAYSTACK_PROP_'
. E.g. if you want to change the span's kafka producer topic then use
or if you want to change blob's S3 region then use
We have two agent providers today that are loaded depending upon the configuration as above.
This agent listens as a GRPC server on a configurable port and accepts the protobuf span from the clients. The span agent is already implemented in the open source repo and it supports all three dispatchers i.e. kinesis, Kafka and HTTP. Please note that we bundle only this span proto agent and the AWS Kinesis dispatcher in our fat jar.
This agent is influenced by pitchfork implementation here. The difference is that this can be run as a sidecar or daemon. It provides an http endpoint for publishing the Zipkin V2 spans. It transforms zipkin formatted spans into haystack domain (protobuf) spans and dispatches to the configured sink. See below for list of supported dispatchers.
Agent's http server supports following endpoints for publishing zipkin spans:
a. /api/v1/spans - accepts v1 spans(json, thrift)
b. /api/v2/spans - accepts v2 spans(json, proto)
You can configure pitchfork agent as shown below:
agents {
pitchfork {
enabled = true
port = 9411
http.threads {
max = 16
min = 2
} = 60000 = 30000
accept.null.timestamps = false
max.timestamp.drift.sec = -1
dispatchers {
kinesis {
Region = us-west-2
StreamName = spans
OutstandingRecordsLimit = 10000
MetricsLevel = none
// more dispatchers
This agent listens as a GRPC server on a configurable port and accepts the protobuf blob from the clients. The blob agent is already implemented in the open source blobs repo and it supports S3 dispatcher.
You can configure blob proto agent as shown below:
agents {
spans {
enabled = true
port = 35000
dispatchers {
// configure dispatchers
ossblobs {
enabled = false
port = 35001 = 512
dispatchers {
s3 {
keep.alive = true
max.outstanding.requests = 150
should.wait.for.upload = true
max.connections = 50
retry.count = 1 = "haystack-blobs"
region = "us-east-1"
aws.access.key = "accessKey"
aws.secret.key = "secretKey"
The Logger dispatcher writes the span in JSON format into STDOUT
. This dispatcher is mainly provided for getting started purposes.
Kinesis dispatcher uses KPL and we require the following configuration properties for it to work properly:
- Region - AWS region for e.g. us-west-2
- StreamName - name of kinesis stream where spans will be published
- OutstandingRecordsLimit - maximum pending records that are still not published to kinesis. If agent receives more dispatch requests, then it sends back 'RATE_LIMIT_ERROR' in the GRPC response.
- AWS keys - Optional, use them if you want to connect using static AWS access and secret keys
- AwsAccessKey
- AwsSecretKey
- StsRoleArn - Optional, use it if you want to provide credentials by assuming a role
You can also provide AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY as java system property values, or environment variable, or use the IAM role for connecting to Kinesis with a DefaultCredentialProvider.
The Kinesis dispatcher can be configured with other KPL properties in the same way as we do with 'Region'
The Kafka dispatcher uses high level Kafka producer to write the spans to Kafka topic. The dispatcher expects a partition key, and the span-agent uses the TraceId in the span proto object as the partition key.
a. producer.topic - Kafka topic
b. bootstrap.servers - set of bootstrap servers
The Kafka dispatcher can be configured with other Kafka producer properties in the same way as bootstrap.servers.
The HTTP dispatcher uses an http client to post spans to a remote collector.
a. url - url for the http span collector (eg: http://collector-svc:8080/spans)
b. client.timeout.millis - timeout in milliseconds for reporting spans to the collector. Defaults to 500 ms.
b. client.connectionpool.idle.max - number of idle connections to keep in the connection pool. Defaults to 5
b. client.connectionpool.keepalive.minutes - keep alive duration in minutes for connections in the connection pool. Defaults to 5.
This dispatcher is specifically for dispatching blobs to AWS S3 Server. It also has the ability to read the blobs from the same bucket. You need a GRPC client to read the blobs from port 35001.
region - aws region for e.g. us-west-2 - aws s3 bucket name
aws.access.key and aws.secret.key - Optional, use them if want to use static AWS credentials.
max.outstanding.requests - maximum parallel uploads to s3, else RateLimitException is thrown and sent to the client
keep.alive - Optional, TCP keep alive for aws client. Default: false
should.wait.for.upload - Optional, define is it should wait for complete upload of blob to S3. Default: false
max.connections - Optional,maximum connections for aws client
retry.count - Optional, maximum error retry for upload
service.endpoint - Optional, custom endpoint for s3 - Optional, can be either true or false
disable.chunked.encoding - Optional, can be either true or false
Since this repo contains haystack-idl as the submodule, so use the following to clone the repo
git clone --recursive .
- Make sure you have Java 1.8
- Make sure you have maven 3.3.9 or higher
- Make sure you have docker 1.13 or higher
Note : For Mac users you can download docker for Mac to set you up for the last two steps.
For a full build, including unit tests you can run
mvn clean package
Edit dev.conf and set the Kafka endpoint correctly and then run
java -jar bundlers/haystack-agent/target/haystack-agent-<version>.jar --config-provider file --file-path docker/dev.conf
This will spin up GRPC server on port 8080
- Decide what kind of version bump is necessary, based on Semantic Versioning conventions.
In the items below, the version number you select will be referred to as
. - Update all pom.xml files in this project, changing the version element to
. Note the-SNAPSHOT
suffix. - Make your code changes, including unit tests.
- Update the file with details of your changes.
- Create a pull request with your changes.
- Ask for a review of the pull request; when it is approved, the Travis CI build will upload the resulting jar file to the SonaType Staging Repository.
- Tag the build with the version number: from a command line, executed in the root directory of the project:
git tag x.y.z
git push --tags
This will cause the jar file to be released to the SonaType Release Repository.