A simple, lightweight wrapper for interacting with data via AngularJS as a datatable.
- Virtual pagination, allowing for rows to only be rendered as they are needed. This allows for tables of even 100,000 rows (see the demo) to be quick to load.
- Search by data value, rather than row value, allowing for more in-depth searches while also only showing relevant values in a row.
- Sorting, with built-in support for dates, currency, etc.
- Selectable rows
- Easy-to-implement custom filters, such as being able to filter rows based on a date range for a certain column.
Given an array of data objects in your controller's scope (called "names" in this example), you can render the data as a table by doing the following:
- Add ng-rows="names" to the <table/>.
- Add ng-row to a <tr/> template that you want to use to render each data object.
- Specify the object values to display in the <td/> tags of the template.
- If you would like to sort any column, add ng-sortable to the desired <th/> tags of your <thead/>.
Optionally, you can make rows selectable by doing the following:
- Create an empty Set in your controllers's scope (called "selectable" in this example).
- Add ng-selected="selectable" to the <table/>.
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered dataTable" ng-rows="names">
<th ng-sortable>First Name</th>
<th ng-sortable>Last Name</th>
<tr ng-row>
var app = angular.module('app', ['ngRows']);
app.controller('main', function($scope) {
var vm = $scope;
// Generate random name data for testing
var firstNames = ['Alan', 'Alice', 'Amber', 'Amanda', 'Barney', 'Bobby', 'Bethany', 'Casey', 'Clayton', 'Cody', 'Dillon', 'Dianne', 'Edward', 'Ethan', 'Eleanor', 'Frank', 'Francene', 'Gary', 'George', 'Georgia', 'Helen', 'Harry', 'Isaac', 'Julia', 'Justin', 'Keith', 'Kathleen', 'Larry', 'Martin', 'Mary', 'Mark', 'Megan', 'Nathan', 'Oliver', 'Philip', 'Ray', 'Rebecca', 'Steve', 'Sara', 'Tina', 'Terry', 'Vince', 'Walter', 'Zeke'];
var lastNames = ['Adams', 'Brown', 'Blevins', 'Clayton', 'Dixon', 'Edwards', 'Fitzgerald', 'Gray', 'Greene', 'Harris', 'Ibanez', 'Jensen', 'Jefferson', 'Johnson', 'Kennedy', 'Lewis', 'Lincoln', 'Martin', 'McGuire', 'Motz', 'Meyer', 'Newton', 'Penn', 'Richards', 'Russell', 'Smith', 'Stevens', 'Sweet', 'Turner', 'Thompson', 'Vick', 'Waters', 'White', 'Woods'];
// Array of names to display in the table
vm.names = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= 100000; i++)
id: i,
firstName: firstNames.randomElement(),
lastName: lastNames.randomElement()
Array.prototype.randomElement = function() {
return this[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.length)];