Event Hubs with capture that writes events to storage.
Create the .auto.tfvars
cp infra/templates/sample.tfvars infra/.auto.tfvars
Create the infrastructure:
terraform -chdir="infra" init
terraform -chdir="infra" apply -auto-approve
Run this to quickly get access to the access key:
az eventhubs namespace authorization-rule keys list \
--name RootManageSharedAccessKey \
-g rg-eventprocessor \
--namespace-name evhns-eventprocessor-2069 \
--query primaryConnectionString -o tsv
Add variables to your session:
export AZURE_EVENTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING='Endpoint={endpoint};SharedAccessKeyName={sharedAccessKeyName};SharedAccessKey={sharedAccessKey};EntityPath={entityPath}'
export AZURE_EVENTHUB_NAME="evh-eventprocessor"
Start the application:
mvn spring-boot:run
Send events to Event Hubs:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":"123"}' localhost:8080/api/events/
Data should be sent to the Storage in Avro