- New York
Simple Firebase authentication for all Next.js rendering strategies
A simple utility application to trigger haptic feedback when tapping Touch Bar.
Multi-channel video installation setup using Raspberry Pi
My totally original Raspberry Pi magic mirror.
A Boilerplate for all the boring stuffs 🔥😎
Reproducing images with geometric primitives.
Ruby framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
Ruby Arduino Development: a framework for programming the Arduino physcial computing platform using Ruby
random tutorials and notes
Heroku buildpack for Meteor v1.0+. The horse one.
Add arbitrary ordering to ActiveRecord queries.
Materializecss rubygem for Rails Asset Pipeline / Sprockets
Torch implementation of neural style algorithm
Project files for using Arduino and Unity together
Use AWS API Gateway as if it were a lightweight JavaScript web server
A hubot script that interacts with the Google Images API
PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress coding conventions
✂️ A grunt task for removing unused CSS from your projects.