#Ultimate "Ultimate Tic Tac Toe" Player
This was the final project in AI course at HUJI (winter 2013/14).
Authors: Adi Ben Binyamin & Eran Amar.
Subject: Adversarial Search - Minimax and optimizations.
We explored the Utlimate-Tic-Tac-Toe game, and implemented several AI agents. Our project focused on implementation of different evaluation functions and unique optimization combined with Minimax (in addition to the classic optimizaion as Alph-Beta pruning).
python uttt_game_engine.py <agent1> <agent2>
For example:
python uttt_game_engine.py MM_Winning human
Run with no arguments to see the full agents list.
You can read more about this project here: https://eranamar.herokuapp.com/uttt.html