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Eran Hadad edited this page Jun 15, 2018 · 5 revisions

# Api

table of contents


post user/all/

get auth user and return relevant users. If the user is admin return all users with same schoolId. If the user is Student return all users with same layerId. If the user not auth retun { success: false, message: "auth flase" }

post user/update/

get user and user to update. The function update the user. if faild return { success: false, message: "Failed to update user. Error: ${err}" }

post user/changePassword/

get new password and old password, the function verify old user and update to new password (encrypt password).

post user/create/

create new user with student permission.

post user/upload/

get xls file with users and create for all user in xls user in the system.

post user/addOperation/

add last opertion for user


post layer/all/

if the user is admin or charge return the layers belonge to the user. else return {success: false, resone: "user havn't permission"}

post layer/create/

get layer and create new layer.

post layer/update

get layer and update exist layer if exist

post layer/swap_request/

create new swap request for this layer.

post layer/swap_response

response for exist swap request