This repository is for our sPotholes administrative backend, API, and web frontend.
####For image manipulation you will need to install imagemagick and libwebp.
######You can install imagemagick via homebrew:
$brew install imagemagick
######Install libwebp via homebrew:
First update homebrew, then install libwebp:
$brew update
$brew install webp
######or install libwebp via macports:
First update macports, then install libwebp:
$sudo port selfupdate
$sudo port install webp
$bundle install
$rake db:create
$rake db:migrate
####We recommed using [POW] ( for the local server as it is pretty much configuration free.
Just do:
$ curl | sh
And then:
$ cd ~/.pow
$ ln -s /path/to/spotholes
That's it! Your application is now being served at: