UNI - Facultad de Ciencias 2014 - 1
Taught by: Glen Rodriguez
Modified algorithms by : Jesus Lovon
- hola.c : Basic communication test between processors. Recognize master worker
Basic Integration:
- ejemplo1.c : Basic example of integration using rectangles, calculating pi using a quarter of a circle
- trapecio.c: Same as ejemplo1.c but using trapezoidal rule for integration.
- simpson.c: Same as ejemplo1.c but using Simpson's rule
- ejemplo2.c: Calculating PI using Monte Carlo Method, simple method with square.
- ejemplo3.c/ejemplo3-1.c: Calculating PI using Monte Carlo Method, better precision reducing area.
- ejemplo3-2.c: Calculating PI using Monte Carlo Method, better precision faster than ejemplo3.c using 2 areas.
Linear Systems:
- linear.c: Sequential program using Monte Carlo with random walk to solve a linear system
- linear_eq_p1.c: Parallel program doing the same as linear.c
- linear_eq_p2.c: Parallel Monte Carlo using a different estimator
- linear_eq_p3.c: Parallel Monte Carlo reusing calculated values
- poissonparalelo.c: Parallel Monte Carlo to solve Poisson Equation with source 2pi(x²+y²) in a 11 square, and 0.50.5 hole
- metropolisparalelo.c: Metropolis and MonteCarlo method for calculating an integral.