Use Ultra Docstrings to make your Clojure docstrings extra friendly and informative.
Clojure's built-in docstrings are made for quick reference to remind you of how something works without breaking you out of flow. Although they are good at that purpose, they're not very good for learning how things work the first time. That's what Ultra Docstrings is all about.
Step 1
Add a development dependency to your project.
Leiningen :dev :dependencies are added to project.clj
[com.lispcast/ultra-docstrings "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
Boot dependencies
Step 2
Start your application or REPL as you normally would.
lein repl
boot repl
Step 3
Require the code and run it.
(require 'ultra-docstrings.core)
- To provide excellent in-REPL beginner-friendly documentation for all of Clojure's core library.
- To facilitate contributing to said documentation by people of all experience levels.
We follow a standardized format for our docstrings to help us quickly find the information we need after a few uses. Perhaps an example would be the best way to explain it. Please see the document in this directory.
We welcome people to contribute in any way they can, regardless of experience level. We need help in the following areas:
- Writing docstrings. This is an excellent way to get to know the Clojure core library.
- Making improvements to docstrings. If you find a typo or something missing or incorrect, please let us know. We also want to keep a high standard, so if you have a better way to explain something, we're all ears. Open an issue and let's talk about it.
- Documenting this library. We could always use help to make the process easier for us and future contributors.
Copyright © 2017 Eric Normand
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.