What is yak shaving? The act of completing a seemingly small task that has no obvious relationship to your intended task, but which is actually linked to that main aim through a chain of other activities.
This project represents the entire collective effort and accumulation of completed small tasks that, at the time, didn't always appear to be directly useful, but have collaboratively come together to amount to a plethora of knowledge in computer programming. The application itself is a quiz that touches on the variety of topics covered throughout an extensive six-month coding bootcamp.
App Sample Screenshot
While using the knowledge we've learned to create the application itself, we wanted to make a coding quiz that would also test various aspects of that knowledge as a final farewell and recap to the bootcamp.
- AS A bootcamp graduate
- I WANT a quiz that covers all the topics from the bootcamp
- SO THAT I can test myself on the knowledge I’ve learned
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Apollo
- React
- GraphQL
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- MongoDB Atlas
- JSONWebToken
- Heroku
- bcrypt
- @ashleyviola: server
- @erin-michon: quiz and site logic
- @Jrophoff: styling and pwa
- @LSabin23: database and quiz questions
Check out the live site here.
- allow users to submit new questions
- randomize questions for each level
- allow users to start with any of the 3 levels
- show a “Today’s Highscores” leaderboard