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slick is a simple to use polygon collision library inspired by bump.lua


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slick is a simple two-dimensional swept collision library with support for polygons inspired by the simplicity and robustness of bump.lua.

demo of slick

  • Supports polygon-polygon, circle-polygon, and circle-circle collisions.
  • All shapes are swept, meaning tunneling isn't possible.
  • Allows combining multiple shapes for one entity.
  • Simple "polygon mesh" shape that takes pretty much any contour data (including degenerate contour data) and produces a valid series of polygon shapes.
  • "Game-istic" collision handling and response instead of realistic, physics-based collision handling and response.
  • Rectangle, line segment, ray, circle, and point queries against the world.
  • Triangulation and polygon clipping support.

There are no dependencies (other than the demo and debug drawing code using LĂ–VE). It can be used from any Lua 5.1-compatible environment. There are certain optimizations available when using LuaJIT, but fallbacks are used in vanilla Lua environments.

slick is good for platformers, top-down, and any other sort of game where you need rotated objects and circles/polygons for collision. If you're making a Mario game or Zelda game where everything is an axis-aligned rectangle, then bump.lua is probably better.

slick is not good for games that need realistic physics responses. The library has no concepts of physical properties like acceleration, mass, or angular velocity. If you need more realistic physics, then try Box2D or something.

Suggestions, bug reports, and improvements are welcome. Make sure there's not already an open issue with your bug or suggestion; feel free to jump in and continue the discussion or offer your perspective in an existing issue.


local slick = require("slick")

local w, h = 800, 600
local world = slick.newWorld(w, h)

local player = { type = "player" }
local level = { type = "level" }

world:add(player, w / 2, h / 2, slick.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 32, 32))
world:add(level, 0, 0, slick.newShapeGroup(
    -- Boxes surrounding the map
    slick.newRectangleShape(0, 0, w, 8), -- top
    slick.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 8, h), -- left
    slick.newRectangleShape(w - 8, 0, 8, h), -- right
    slick.newRectangleShape(0, h - 8, w, 8), -- bottom
    -- Triangles in corners
    slick.newPolygonShape({ 8, h - h / 8, w / 4, h - 8, 8, h - 8 }),
    slick.newPolygonShape({ w - w / 4, h, w - 8, h / 2, w - 8, h }),
    -- Convex shape
    slick.newPolygonMeshShape({ w / 2 + w / 4, h / 4, w / 2 + w / 4 + w / 8, h / 4 + h / 8, w / 2 + w / 4, h / 4 + h / 4, w / 2 + w / 4 + w / 16, h / 4 + h / 8 })

local goalX, goalY = w / 2, -1000
local actualX, actualY, cols, len = world:move(player, goalX, goalY)

-- Prints "Attempted to move to 300, -1000 but ended up at 300, 8 with 1 collision(s).
if len > 0 then
    print(string.format("Attempted to move to %d, %d but ended up at %d, %d with %d collision(s)", goalX, goalY, actualX, actualY, len))
    print(string.format("Moved to %d, %d.", actualX, actualY))

-- Prints "Collision with level."
for i = 1, len do
    print("Collision with %s.", cols[i].other.type)


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Adding & removing items
  2. Documentation
    2. slick.entity
    3. slick.collision.shapelike and shape definitions
    4. slick.geometry.transform
    5. Simple triangulation, polygonization, and clipping API
    6. Advance usage
      1. slick.geometry.triangulation.delaunay
      2. slick.geometry.clipper
  3. License


Adding & removing items

First, require slick:

local slick = require("slick") -- or wherever you put it; e.g., if you put it in `./libs/slick` then use `require("libs.slick")`

Next, create a new world:

-- width & height are suggestions but try and be as close as possible to the world size
-- slick uses a quad tree, and the better fitting the quad tree the faster collisions will be.
-- by default, the top left of the world is (0, 0) but this can be changed (see documentation for `slick.newWorld`)
-- The quad tree dimensions will expand if an entity goes outside the world by default, but it might create a one-sided quad tree.
local world = slick.newWorld(width, height)

Then, add an item to the world:

world:add(item, x, y, shape)

-- OR
world:add(item, transform, shape)
  • item can be any value but ideally is a table representing the entity
  • x and y are the location of item in the world, or transform is a slick.geometry.transform object with position, rotation, scale, and offset components
  • shape is a slick.collision.shapelike object created by functions like slick.newPolygonShape, slick.newRectangleShape, slick.newCircleShape, etc; see slick.collision.shapelike documentation below

If item already exists in the world, you will receive an error. You can use to check if the world already contains item. returns a slick.entity for advanced usage. Please see slick.entity documentation for more. Entity will refer to an item that is located in the world.

To remove an item from the world at some point:


To update the position and shape of an entity:

-- `shape` is optional in both overloads

world:update(item, x, y, shape)

-- OR
world:update(item, transform, shape)

Be warned: this will instantly teleport an entity to the position or change its shape without any collision checks.

To move an entity:

local actualX, actualY, collisions, count = world:move(item, goalX, goalY, function(item, other, shape, otherShape)
    return "slide"

This method will attempt to move the entity from its current position to (goalX, goalY). It will perform a swept collision and iteratively resolve collisions until there are no more collisions or a max "bounce" count has been reached (see documentation for slick.newWorld). The (actualX, actualY) return values are the position of the entity in the world after the movement attempt.

The (optional) filter function can change the behavior of the built-in collision responses. You can return a collision response handler based on item, other, or even the collision shapes shape and otherShape. By default, collisions are treated as "slide" if no filter function is provided.

There are currently three built-in collision responses:

  • "slide": "slides" along other entities

    demo of slick slide respone

  • "touch": stops moving as soon as a collision between entities occurs

    demo of slick touch respone

  • "cross": goes through another entity as if it the moving entity is a ghost

    demo of slick cross respone

  • "bounce": "bounces" against the entity; this adds a (extra.bounceNormal.x, extra.bounceNormal.y) representing the reflection vector to the slick.worldQueryResponse (see below). The bounce normal can be used to change the direction the entity is moving in.

    demo of slick bounce respone

collisions is a list of slick.worldQueryResponse of all the collisions that were handled during the movement and count is equal to #collisions. Some fields of note are:

  • item, entity, shape: The item, entity, and shape of the moving entity.
  • other, otherEntity, otherShape: The item, entity, and shape of the entity we collided with.
  • response: The name of the collision response handler that resolved this collision.
  • normal.x. normal.y: The surface normal of the collision.
  • depth: The penetration depth. Usually this is 0 since collisions are swept, but other methods that return slick.worldQueryResponse for overlapping objects might have a depth value greater than zero.
  • offset.x, offset.y: The offset from the current position to the new position.
  • touch.x, touch.y: This is the sum of the current position before impact and offset.x, offset.y
  • contactPoint.x, contactPoint.y: The contact point closest to the center of the entity. For all contact points, use the contactPoints array.

See slick.worldQueryResponse documentation for more information.

Note: unlike bump.lua, since an entity can be composed of multiple shapes, there might be multiple pairs of (item, other) during a movement where the shape/otherShape is different. Similarly, since slick iteratively resolves collisions, the same (item, other shape, otherShape) tuple might occur more than once in collisions.

For an example player movement method, try this:

local function movePlayer(player, dt)
  local goalX, goalY = player.x + dt * player.velocityX, player.y + dt * player.velocityY
  player.x, player.y = world:move(player, goalX, goalY)

For more advanced documentation about these methods, see below.


Below is an API reference for slick.

  • slick.newWorld(width: number, height: number, options: slick.options?):

    Creates a new width and height are the width and height of the world. By default, the upper left corner of the world is (0, 0) and the bottom right corner is (width, height).

    options is an optional table with the following fields:

    • maxBounces: The max number of bounces to perform during a movement. The higher, the more accurate crowded areas might be. The default should be good games using pixels as units.
    • quadTreeX, quadTreeY: The upper-left corner of the quad tree. Defaults to (0, 0).
    • quadTreeMaxLevels: The maximum depth of the quad tree. Note: this value will automatically go up if the quad tree expands.
    • quadTreeMaxData: The maximum amount of leaf nodes.
    • quadTreeExpand: Expand the quad tree as objects exceed the current boundaries. This defaults to true. If false and an object is outside the quad tree, an error will be raised. You can also call at any point to rebuild the quad tree and recalculate the dimensions.
    • quadTreeOptimizationMargin: Additional margin (as a percent of width and height) to use around the world when using
    • epsilon: the "precision" of certain calculations. The default precision is good for games with pixels as units. This defaults to slick.util.math.EPSILON (check the code first, but as of writing it is 1e4). If you use larger units, e.g. meters or even centimeters, you might want to make this value smaller. If you're using even smaller units than pixels, the simulation might become unreliable, but you can try (and also make this value bigger... maybe). You will know the value is good or bad if objects overlap, penetrate, and/or stay apart or get stuck during collisions (bad) or "just touch" without overlap, intersection, or penetration (good).

    These are so super advanced features documented here only for posterity or development purposes:

    • sharedCache: This is an optional slick.cache to use for this world. This is a very advanced feature and is only useful if you have multiple objects and need to share things like the triangulator between them. To create a cache, use slick.newCache and pass in an slick.options object. You can then pass around the cache to different worlds via the sharedCache field in slick.options. This is probably only needed in 1% of use cases where you would create multiple worlds! Don't prematurely optimize!
    • debug: slows down certain things dramatically but ensures robustness of simulation with lots of error checking and assert(...)s. This is false by default. Only should be enabled if trying to submit a detailed bug report or doing development on slick. Do not expect even remotely realtime performance with this enabled.

    There is no one-size-fits-all for the quad tree options. You will have to tweak the values on a per-game, and perhaps even per-level, basis, for maximum performance. In an open-world game, for example, you might have to adjust these values over time. See for specifics.

  •, x: number, y: number, shape: slick.collision.shapelike): slick.entity or, transform: slick.geometry.transform, shape: slick.collision.shapelike): slick.entity

    Adds a new entity to the world with item as the handle at the provided location (either (x, y) or transform). If item already exists, this method will raise an error. For valid shapes, see slick.collision.shapelike below. For transform properties, see slick.geometry.transform below.

  • boolean

    Returns true if item exists in the world; false otherwise. Remember: it is an error to remove an item that is not in the world and it is an error to add an item that already exists in the world.

  • slick.entity

    Gets the slick.entity represented by item. Will return nil if no entity is represented by item (i.e., item was not added to the world). See slick.entity for usage and properties.

  •, x: number, y: number, shape: slick.collision.shapelike?): number, number or, transform: slick.geometry.transform, shape: slick.collision.shapelike?): number, number

    Instantly moves the entity represented by item to the provided location or transforms the entity by the provided transform. Optionally you can change the shape of the entity by passing in a slick.collision.shapelike. The shape does not change if no shape is provided.

  •, goalX: number, goalY: number, filter: slick.worldFilterQueryFunc?, query: slick.worldQuery?): number, number, slick.worldQueryResponse[], number, slick.worldQuery

    Attempts to move the entity represented by item to the provided location. If there is anything blocking movement at some point, then the returned (actualX, actualY) will be different from the goal. Returns the actual location; an array of collision responses; the length of said collision response array; and the slick.worldQuery used during the movement.

    For advanced usage, by passing in a slick.worldQuery, you can save on garbage creation. You can create a slick.worldQuery using slick.newWorldQuery(world) and re-use it between calls that accept a query. Keep in mind any collision responses or other query properties from the previous usage of the query will be invalidated. This includes point fields like touch. is essentially a wrapper around and First, the method attempts a movement, and then moves to the last safe position given the goal.

  •, goalX: number, goalY: number, filter: slick.worldFilterQueryFunc?, query: slick.worldQuery?): number, number, slick.worldQueryResponse[], number, slick.worldQuery

    Performs a collision movement check, but does not update the location of the entity represented by item in the world. This method is otherwise identical to

    For advanced usage with the query parameter, see above.

  •, x: number, y: number, goalX: number, goalY: number, filter: slick.worldFilterQueryFunc?, query: slick.worldQuery?): slick.worldQueryResponse[], number, slick.worldQuery

    Projects item as if it is currently at (x, y) and is moving towards (goalX, goalY). Returns all potential collisions, sorted by time of collision.

    For advanced usage with the query parameter, see above.

    This can be used to build custom collision response handlers and other advanced functionality.

  •, filter: slick.worldFilterQueryFunc?, x: number, y: number, shape: slick.collision.shapelike): number, number

    Attempts to "push" the entity represented by item out of any other entities filtered by filter. This can be used, for example, when placing items in the world. Normally, if an entity is not overlapping another entity currently, it will never overlap another entity. But if you're placing an item due to a mouse click, you might want to use this (or use a query and prevent placing an entity if it doesn't fit!).

    The entity will never overlap another entity filtered by filter but it might go somewhere you wouldn't expect! If you place an entity inside a wall, it will try and take the shortest route out, but this is not guaranteed bases on the location of the object and the other entities.

  •, angle: number, rotateFilter: slick.worldFilterQueryFunc, pushFilter: slick.worldFilterQueryFunc, query: slick.worldQuery?)

    This method will instantly rotate an object to angle (in radians) and then attempt to push all filtered entites out of the way. There is no swept collisions for rotations! So if rotations are massive, call this method multiple times in increments of the rotation.

    rotateFilter is used to filter all entities that will be pushed (via out of the way of the rotating item. pushFilter is used to determine what entities, when pushing via, will affect the push. You might want all items of type thing to be affected by the rotation of item; but then only have the thing items by pushed by level geometry (and, probably, the rotating item).

    See the moveGear function in the demo for an example usage of this.

  • number, y: number, filter: slick.defaultWorldShapeFilterQueryFunc?, query: slick.worldQuery): slick.worldQueryResponse[], number, slick.worldQuery

    Finds all entities that the point (x, y) is inside.

  • number, y: number, directionX: number, directionY: number, filter: slick.defaultWorldShapeFilterQueryFunc?, query: slick.worldQuery): slick.worldQueryResponse[], number, slick.worldQuery

    Finds all entities that the ray intersects.

  • number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, filter: slick.defaultWorldShapeFilterQueryFunc?, query: slick.worldQuery): slick.worldQueryResponse[], number, slick.worldQuery

    Finds all entities that the line segment intersects.

  • number, y: number, width: number, height: number, filter: slick.defaultWorldShapeFilterQueryFunc?, query: slick.worldQuery): slick.worldQueryResponse[], number, slick.worldQuery

    Finds all entities that the rectangle intersects.

  • number, y: number, radius: number, filter: slick.defaultWorldShapeFilterQueryFunc?, query: slick.worldQuery): slick.worldQueryResponse[], number, slick.worldQuery

    Finds all entities that the circle intersects.

  • number?, height: number?, options: slick.options?)

    Rebuilds the quad tree. width, height, options.quadTreeX, and options.quadTreeY (if not provided) default to the real bounds of the world multiplied by options.quadTreeOptimizationMargin. Also changes (if set) the other properties of the quad tree, such as max depth and max levels. This method might only be necessary if you do not know the size of your game world in advance or it changes. Optimizing the quad tree has a performance penalty that must be weighed against querying a non-optimal quad tree.

    The exact calculation for the new world size is something like:

    topLeftX = realX - realWidth * (quadTreeOptimizationMargin / 2)
    topRightY = realY - realWidth * (quadTreeOptimizationMargin / 2)
    bottomRightX = topLeftX + realWidth * (1 + quadTreeOptimizationMargin)
    bottomRightY = topRightY + realHeight * (1 + quadTreeOptimizationMargin)

    So a quadTreeOptimizationMargin value of 0.25 would increase the size of the world (from its real dimensions) by 25% - 12.5% further away from the center in the corners, thus 25% larger in total. Similarly, a value of 0 would use the real size without any adjustments. (Obviously if you know your world isn't going to grow after optimization, then that's fine!)

  • slick.worldFilterQueryFunc

    This type represents a function (or table with a __call metatable method) that is used for,, etc to filter entities.

    The signature of this function is:

    fun(item: any, other: any, shape: slick.collision.shape, otherShape: slick.collision.shape): string | slick.worldVisitFunc | boolean

    • item: the entity being moved, projected, etc.
    • other: the entity item may potentially collide with.
    • shape: the shape of the entity potentially colliding with otherShape.
    • otherShape: the shape of other that might be colliding with shape.

    This method can return one of three values:

    • string: a name of a collision response handler (e.g., "slide")
    • slick.worldVisitFunc: Advanced usage. A method that will be called if item and other collide. See slick.worldVisitFunc for usage.
    • boolean: false to prevent a collision between item and other; true to use the default collision response handler ("slide")

  • slick.worldShapeFilterQueryFunc

    This type represents a function (or table with a __call metatable method) that is used for the query methods (like and to filter entities.

    The signature of this function is:

    fun(item: any, shape: slick.collision.shape): boolean

    • item: the potentially overlapping item with the query shape.
    • shape: the potentially overlapping shape of the entity represented by item

  • slick.worldVisitFunc

    This represents a "visitor" function (or table with a __call metatable method) that is called when two entities collide, but before the collision response happens.

    The signature of this function is:

    fun(item: any, world:, query: slick.worldQuery, response: slick.worldQueryResponse, x: number, y: number, goalX: number, goalY: number): string

    The return value is expected to be the name of a collision response handler; if nothing is returned, this defaults to slide.

    Be aware that, e.g., during a move, the same shape and otherShape might be visited more than once to resolve a collision.

  • slick.worldQuery

    This represents a query against the world. It has a single field, results, which is an array of slick.worldQueryResponse. results will be sorted by first time of collision to last time of collision.

    • slick.worldQueryResponse:

      This represents a single collision of two shapes from two different entities belonging to a specific slick.worldQuery.

      This object has the following fields:

      • item, entity, shape: The item, entity, and shape of the moving entity.
      • other, otherEntity, otherShape: The item, entity, and shape of the entity we collided with.
      • response: Either a string, slick.worldVisitFunc, or boolean. See slick.worldFilterQueryFunc for valid values.
      • normal.x. normal.y: The surface normal of the collision.
      • depth: The penetration depth. Usually this is 0 since collisions are swept, but other methods that return slick.worldQueryResponse for overlapping objects might have a depth value greater than zero.
      • offset.x, offset.y: The offset from the current position to the new position.
      • touch.x, touch.y: This is the sum of the current position before impact and offset.x, offset.y
      • contactPoint.x, contactPoint.y: The contact point closest to the center of the entity. For all contact points, use the contactPoints array.
      • segment.a, segment.b: The points of the segment that was collided with.

    When re-using a slick.worldQuery, all data from the previous usage will be considered invalid. This is because slick.worldQuery re-uses the previous slick.worldQueryResponse objects. See advanced usage below. This only applies if you explicitly create a slick.worldQuery and pass it into methods like and

    slick.worldQuery has a few methods useful for custom collision response handlers:

    • slick.worldQuery:move(response: slick.worldQueryResponse)

      Moves response from its current slick.worldQuery to this slick.worldQuery. For example, uses a temporary query to find potential collisions, then moves all handled collisions to the result query parameter.

    • slick.worldQuery:allocate(type: any, ...: any): any

      Takes a poolable slick type (like slick.geometry.point) to allocate and return. The returned instance of type is valid until the query is re-used (e.g., passed to another method that accepts a query) or reset (see slick.worldQuery.reset).

      Creating pools of type will be handled transparently. If a pool of type already exists (i.e., from a previous slick.worldQuery.allocate call with the same type), then it will be used instead. The underlying pool will persist for the lifetime of the slick.worldQuery.

    • slick.worldQuery:reset()

      Resets this world query. All instances allocated by slick.worldQuery.allocate will no longer be valid. All slick.worldQueryResponse in slick.worldQuery.results will no longer be valid. This is automatically called by methods like when passing in a slick.worldQuery. See advanced usage below for caveats of re-using a slick.worldQuery.

    Saving on garbage: re-using a slick.worldQuery or a slick.worldQueryResponse (advanced usage)

    Re-using a slick.worldQuery or slick.worldQueryResponse can reduce garbage generation during movement and projection. This is an opt-in behavior because there are some caveats.

    If you do not re-use slick.worldQuery responses, then none of this applies to you. However, if you create a slick.worldQuery (i.e., via slick.newWorldQuery) and proceed to re-use it between calls to methods that take a slick.worldQuery like and (among others), then this section applies to you.

    Do not keep references to any fields (like touch or offset) belonging to the slick.worldQueryResponse between usages of the parent slick.worldQuery. For example, the x and y components of touch might change if the slick.worldQuery is re-used. Similarly, do not keep a reference to a specific slick.worldQueryResponse between usages of the same slick.worldQuery.

    Do not do this:

    local query = slick.newWorldQuery(world)
    world:project(entity, x, y, goalX, goalY, filter, query)
    local touch = query.results[1].touch
    world:project(entity, newX, newY, newGoalX, newGoalY, filter, query)
    --- `touch` is an instance of `slick.geometry.point` belong to a `slick.worldQueryResponse` and might have mutated due to the ``!

    Instead, do this:

    local query = slick.newWorldQuery(world)
    world:project(entity, x, y, goalX, goalY, filter, query)
    local touchX, touchY = query.results[1].touch.x, query.results[1].touch.y
    world:project(entity, newX, newY, newGoalX, newGoalY, filter, query)
    --- ... use `touchX`, `touchY` for whatever ...

    This goes for any instance fields belonging to the slick.worldQueryResponse, such as (but not limited to):

    • normal
    • offset
    • touch
    • contactPoint and all contactPoints

    Remember, fields like item, entity, shape (and their other counterparts) do not belong to the slick.worldQueryResponse.

    Remember, the same holds for storing a reference to a slick.worldQueryResponse belonging to a slick.worldQuery. The specific slick.worldQueryResponse instance might be re-used and thus all fields will refer to a different collision.

  • slick.worldResponseFunc

    A slick.worldResponseFunc is a stateless function that receives the state of a collision in the world and is expected to safely resolve the collision. slick comes with a few built-in collision response handlers that cover a majority of use cases, but if there's a need for a very specific behavior, then see the documentation below.

    Be warned, below is for advanced use cases when the built-in responses are not enough. Review an existing response handler to see how they work before adding your own. Review slick.worldQuery, slick.worldQueryResponse,, and Make sure you understand the advanced usage of these types and methods. You might have to dig into the source code if there's an gaps. Feel free to open a PR with improvements to the documentation or raise an issue if something doesn't work as described

    The world the collision is is occurring in, the query and the response belonging to query that caused this resolution, the current and goal (x, y) coordinates of the working collision resolution (such as in, and the filter passed to and resolves a collision.

    This function is in the following form:

    fun(world:, query: slick.worldQuery, response: slick.worldQueryResponse, x: number, y: number, goalX: number, goalY: number, filter: slick.worldFilterQueryFunc, result: slick.worldQuery): number, number, number, number, string?, slick.worldQueryResponse

    A response function is expected to return a few things:

    1. Returns a current (safe) position (x, y) tuple after collision resolution. This position must not result in the entity penetrating another entity.
    2. Return the next goal position. This goal can potentially be a penetrating position; will attempt to reach this goal position without causing penetration in the next iteration.
    3. Optionally returns a remapping all future responses of this type. For example, slide will remap to touch in order to ensure stability after the first slide collision. Any future slide responses will be treated as touch.
    4. Optionally returns the next response to handle. For example, cross will return the first non-cross response from query (if one exists). The iteration will immediately pivot to the new response. (This does not cause a bounce, so ensure it's not possible to ping-pong between a loop of two or more responses).

    The response function should also move response (if handled) to result. Similarly, if any additional responses from query are handled, then they should also moved to result. For example, cross will move every cross response up until the first non-cross response to result. See slick.worldQuery documentation above.

    After resolving the collision, the response handler should also perform the next with the relevant current and goal positions using the provided query. The specific values for current and goal positions will change based on the behavior and requirements of the response handler. For example, touch will use response.touch.x and response.touch.y for both current and goal positions. On the other hand, slide uses response.touch.x and response.touch.y for the current position and the projection of the goal position parameter on the normal of the collision to create an entirely new goal position.

    If a response handler needs to create extra data about the collision, then this data can be stored in the extra table of the slick.worldQueryResponse before moving the response to result.

    If storing, for example, a reflection normal, you might need to allocate a slick value (such as a slick.geometry.point). In order to not create garbage, see slick.worldQuery.allocate on how to safely allocate an instance. Only slick types can be safely pooled, but any value or instance can be stored in extra. Obviously, primitives like numbers do not need to be pooled and do not create garbage. Furthermore, all of this is of course optional if the memory performance requirements are more lax.

    To add, remove, or retrieve a custom or built-in response handler to a, you can:

    • string, response: slick.worldResponseFunc)

      Adds response as a collision response handler with name. For example, maybe you have a custom collision handler that allows one-way movement. You can give it a name, like pass, and add it to the world. As soon as this response handler is added, any filter that returns pass will use the newly registered handler.

      Adding a response with a name that already exists is an error. You can only have one slide, one pass, etc. Either remove the existing response handler with the name or use a different name.

    • string)

      Removes the response handler with the given name. There must be a valid collision handler with name; otherwise, an error will be raised.

    • string): slick.worldResponseFunc

      Returns the response handler with the given name. There must be a valid collision handler with name; otherwise, an error will be raised.

    • string): boolean

      Returns true if there's a response handler with the given name, false otherwise. If you're not sure if a response handler exists before calling,, or, then you should use this method first to figure out what to do next.


A slick.entity is created internally by the - you should not be creating one yourself. and return the slick.entity represented by the item.

There's some read-only properties of an entity:

  • transform: slick.geometry.transform: current transform of the entity. Use (or similar) or slick.entity.setTransform to update; changing this field directly will not not update the entity's transform properly.
  • shapes: slick.geometry.shapeGroup: current shapes (not shape definitions!) of the entity. Changing this will not affect the world and will cause the entity and world to go out of sync. Use (or similar) or slick.entity.setShapes.

There are methods to mutate the entity, but tread carefully:

  • slick.entity:setShapes(...shapes: slick.collision.shapeDefinition)

    Removes all existing shapes and replaces them with the provided shapes. Behind the scenes this will create a slick.collision.shapeGroup and add all the shapes to this implicit group.

  • slick.entity:setTransform(transform: slick.geometry.transform)

    Copies the transform from transform to self.transform and updates the entity in the world

Note: Remember, tread carefully! Prefer to use the one-stop, etc instead of directly mutating the slick.entity. Currently, any mutation operations on the entity are considered unstable: this API will probably change in the near future with the inclusion of a method that updates the entire world at once given a deltaTime. See this issue on GitHub: #14

slick.collision.shapelike and shape definitions

A slick.collision.shapelike can be a polygon, circle, box, or shape group. An entity can have multiple shapes via shape groups. slick.collision.shapelike aren't instantiated directly; instead, you create a slick.collision.shapeDefinition constructor and pass in the physical properties of the shape. When adding a slick.entity to the world (or updating it), shape instances will be automatically constructed from the shape definitions.

The only public field for a slick.collision.shapelike is a value called tag. This value is passed to a slick.collision.shapeDefinition constructor. tag can be any value. If not provided, tag will be nil.

When adding or updating an item to the world, you can provide a slick.collision.shapeDefinition. The constructor for a slick.collision.shapeDefinition takes a list of properties that define the shape. All slick.collision.shapeDefinition constructors can take an optional slick.tag as the last value, which will be stored in the tag field of the slick.collision.shapelike. In order to to create a slick.tag, you can the slick.newTag constructor:

  • slick.newTag(value: any): slick.tag

    Instantiates an opaque slick.tag instance wrapping value. Keep in mind the tag field will be the value argument, not a slick.tag instance. All shape definition constructors optionally take a slick.tag as the last parameter.

The complete list of of shape definitions are:

  • slick.newRectangleShape(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, tag: slick.tag?)

    A rectangle with its top-left corner relative to the entity at (x, y). The rectangle will have a width of w and a height of h.

    For example, if an entity is at 100, 150 and the box is created at 10, 10, then the box will be at 110, 160 in the world.

  • slick.newCircleShape(x: number, y: number, radius: number, tag: slick.tag?)

    A rectangle with its center relative to the entity at (x, y). The rectangle will have a radius of radius.

  • slick.newPolygonShape(vertices: number[], tag: slick.tag?)

    Creates a polygon from a list of vertices. The vertices are in the order { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ..., xn, yn }.

    The polygon must be a valid convex polygon. This means no self-intersections; all interior angles are less than 180 degrees; no holes; and no duplicate points. To create a polygon that might self-intersect, have holes, or be concave, use slick.newPolygonMeshShape.

  • slick.newPolygonMeshShape(...contours: number[], tag: slick.tag?)

    Creates a polygon mesh from a variable number of contours. The contours are in the form { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ..., xn, yn }.

    By default, slick will clean up the input data and try to produce a valid polygonization no matter how bad the data is. If the data does not result in a valid polygonization, then an empty shape is returned.

    Polygons can self-intersect; be concave; have holes; have duplicate points; have collinear edges; etc. However, the worse the quality of the input data, the longer the polygonization will take. Similarly, the more contours / points in the contour data, the longer the triangulation/polygonization will take.

  • slick.newMeshShape(...polygons: number[][], tag: slick.tag?)

    Creates a mesh out of triangles or convex polygons. The vertices of each polygon are in the order { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ..., xn, yn }.

    This shape definition constructor is useful to easily construct shapes from simple triangulation, polygonization, and clipping API. Generating convex polygons from the polygonization or clipping API will be faster than a triangle mesh.

  • slick.newShapeGroup(...shapes: slick.collision.shapeDefinition, tag: slick.tag?)

    Create a group of shapes. Useful to put all level geometry in one entity, for example, or make a "capsule" shape for a player out of two circle and a box (or things of that nature).

    The value stored in the slick.tag (if provided) will be inherited by all children shapes definition, unless the child shape definition has its own slick.tag.


A slick.geometry.transform stores position, rotation, scale, and an offset. In methods that take a transform, you can usually pass in a position tuple or a transform unless otherwise noted.

  • position: the location of the transform in world space.
  • rotation: the rotation of the transform.
  • scale: how much to scale the entity by.
  • offset: sets the origin of the transform; e.g., if your entity is a shape with at (0, 0) with a size of (32, 32), then setting origin to (16, 16) will make the box centered around the position.

To create a transform:

  • slick.newTransform(x: number?, y: number? = 0, rotation: number? = 0, scaleX: number? = 1, scaleY: number? = 1, offsetX: number? = 0, offsetY: number? = 0)

    Creates a transform. Any values not provided will use the defaults.

To update an existing transform object:

  • slick.geometry.transform:setTransform(x: number?, y: number?, rotation: number?, scaleX: number?, scaleY: number?, offsetX: number?, offsetY: number?)

    Updates the transform. Any values not provided will use the existing values.

To transform a point:

  • slick.geometry.transform:transformPoint(x: number, y: number): number, number and slick.geometry.transform:transformPoint(x: number, y: number): number, number

    Transforms a point into or out of the transform's coordinate system.

  • slick.geometry.transform:transformNormal(x: number, y: number): number, number

    Transforms a normal by only the rotation and scaling portions of the transform.

Simple triangulation, polygonization, and clipping API

slick comes with an advanced triangulation, polygonization, and clipping API. But if you need something simpler and have less strict requirements around things like memory usage and garbage creation, slick also comes a simple, easy-to-use API to triangulate, polygonize, and clip contours.

All these functions take an array of contours. A contour is specifically a closed looped of x, y pairs in the form { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ..., xn, yn }. Generally, you can imagine the first contour as the boundary of the shape and the other contours as holes, but this is not strictly enforced. A contour must have at least three points or it will be discarded.

Similarly, all these functions (unless otherwise noted) return return an array of polygons in the form { { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ..., xn, yn }, { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ..., xn, yn }, ... }. Returns an empty array if no triangulation of the input data is possible.

Something cool! All these methods automatically clean the input contours. No need to dissolve duplicate points, split self-intersections, dissolve collinear edges, or any other gotchas that would make a triangulation fail normally.

  • slick.triangulate(contours: number[][]): number[][]

    Triangulates a list of contours. Returns an array of triangles.

  • slick.polygonize(contours: number[][]): number[][] or slick.polygonize(maxPolygonVertexCount: number, contours: number[][]): number[][]

    Polygonizes a list of contours. Unlike triangulation, a greedy algorithm will attempt to generate maximal polygons instead of just triangles. The greedy algorithm is fast, but not perfect! maxPolygonVertexCount can be used to limit the max number of vertices in a polygon (the default is no limit). This value will be clamped to a minimum of 3 (resulting in a triangulation, rather than a polygonization, of the contours). Returns an array of polygons with at most maxPolygonVertexCount vertices.

  • slick.clip(operation: slick.simple.clipOperation, maxVertexCount: number?): number[][]

    Evaluates a clip operation. Returns a triangulation or polygonization of the result of the clip operation. maxVertexCount can be set to a number between 4 and math.huge to create a polygonization (see slick.polygonize). This value defaults to 3, thus returning a triangulation (not polygonization) of the clip operation.

    slick.simple.clipOperation can be created by these handy functions:

    • slick.newUnionClipOperation(subject: number[][] | slick.simple.clipOperation, other: number[][] | slick.simple.clipOperation): slick.simple.clipOperation:

      Performs a union of the subject contours and other contours (i.e., adds subject and other together). This is commutative (order does not matter): the output will be the same if you swap subject and other.

    • slick.newDifferenceClipOperation(subject: number[][] | slick.simple.clipOperation, other: number[][] | slick.simple.clipOperation): slick.simple.clipOperation:

      Performs a difference of the subject contours and other contours (i.e., subtracts other form subject). This is not commutative (order does matter).

    • slick.newIntersectionClipOperation(subject: number[][] | slick.simple.clipOperation, other: number[][] | slick.simple.clipOperation): slick.simple.clipOperation:

      Performs an intersection of the subject contours against other contours (i.e., only the edges from subject that are also contained within other will form the output shape). This is essentially a logically flipped difference and thus is not commutative and order does matter.

    Each slick.simple.clipOperation constructor takes subject contours and and other contours. Some of these operations are commutative, some are not.

    Instead of a contour for subject and/or other, you can also pass in another slick.simple.clipOperation in case you want to perform multiple clip operations in a specific order. For example, to perform a complex clip operation like intersection(union(a, b), difference(c, d)), you can chain them like so:

    local triangles = slick.clip(
        slick.newUnionClipOperation(a, b),
        slick.newDifferenceClipOperation(c, d)


Given these shapes:

local square = {
  -100, -100,
  100, -100,
  100, 100,
  -100, 100,

local triangle = {
  0, 0,
  50, 50,
  -50, 50

You can form a simple triangulation of square to form two triangles or a single polygon (rectangle) like so:

local triangles = slick.triangulate({ square }) -- two triangles
local polygon = slick.polygonize({ square }) -- one polygon (rectangle)

If you combine the square and triangle contours, you will get a square with a triangle hole in the middle:

local triangles = slick.triangulate({ square, triangle }) -- more than two triangles
local polygon = slick.triangulate({ square, triangle }) -- several polygons

You can perform clipping operations too:

local triangles = slick.clip(slick.newIntersectionClipOperation({ square }, { triangle }))

Advanced usage

The entire slick namespace contains a bunch of utility, math, collision, and algorithmic functions. For example, slick uses a lot of slick.geometry.point objects all over the place to perform operations on vectors; caches a shapeCollisionResolutionQuery in a slick.worldQuery to handle collisions between shapes; uses slick.collision.quadTree to divide the world; etc. Most of these are generally intended for internal use, may change (dramatically) between versions, are not a part of the API contract. However, anything documented in this section is OK to use, with the caveat it might not be as simple to use as everything in the root of the slick namespace.


slick comes with a constrained 2D Delaunay triangulator. This triangulator can also clean-up input data and polygonize the output data.

  • slick.geometry.triangulation.delaunayOptions?)

    Creates a new Delaunay triangulator with the provided options. options is optional and sensible defaults are used, but you can provide:

    • epsilon: number: an epsilon precision value used for comparisons. The default value works for games using pixels as units. The default value is slick.util.math.EPSILON.
    • debug: boolean: run expensive debugging logic. The default is false. Only need this for development or error reports.
  • slick.geometry.triangulation.delaunay:clean(points: number[], edges: number[], userdata: any[], options: slick.geometry.triangulation.delaunayCleanupOptions?, outPoints: number[]?, outEdges: number[]?, outUserdata: any[]): number[], number[], outUserdata: any[]

    Cleans up input point/edge data. This dissolves duplicate points/edges and also splits intersecting edges/dissolves collinear edges.

    • points: expected to be in the format { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ..., xn, yn }
    • edges: expected to be in the format { a1, b1, a2, b2, ... an, bn }, indexing into points. Can be empty.
    • userdata: option userdata mapping to points; used by dissolve and intersect callbacks.
    • options: allows customizing cleanup and providing callbacks (dissolve and intersect; see below) when dissolving points or splitting edges (and thus creating new points).
    • outPoints, outEdges, outUserdata: optional arrays to store the resulting clean point, edge, and userdata in. If not provided, will create new arrays. Keep in mind these arrays will be cleared!

    Returns, in order, the cleaned up points, edges, and (optionally) userdata. If outPoints, outEdges, and/or outUserdata were provided, those will be returned instead.

    You can provide a dissolve and intersect method to handle splitting edges and dissolving vertices.


    dissolve is called when a point is dissolved due to duplications. It is a function in the form:

    fun(dissolve: slick.geometry.triangulation.dissolve)

    The instance of slick.geometry.triangulation.dissolve passed in has the following properties:

    • point.x, point.y: the location of the point
    • index: the index of the point in the points array (might point to a new point outside the bounds of the original array; see intersect)
    • userdata: the userdata associated with the point being dissolved (optional)

    intersect is called when an edge is split by another edge. (note: an edge that is split by a collinear point does invoke intersect). It is a function in the form:

    fun(dissolve: slick.geometry.triangulation.intersection)

    The instance of slick.geometry.triangulation.intersection passed in has the following properties:

    • a1.x, a1.y and b1.x, b1.y: points that form the first edge.
    • a1Userdata and b1Userdata: the userdata associated with points a1 and b1
    • a1Index and b1Index: indices of points that form the first edge
    • delta1: the delta of intersection for the a1 -> b1 segment.
    • a2.x, a2.y and b2.x, b2.y: points that form the second edge.
    • a2Userdata and b2Userdata: the userdata associated with points a2 and b2
    • a2Index and b2Index: indices of points that form the second edge
    • delta2: the delta of intersection for the a2 -> b2 segment.
    • result: the resulting point of intersection
    • resultIndex: the new index of the point of intersection
    • resultUserdata: any userdata generated from the intersection (assign a new value to automatically store in the resulting outUserdata)

    You can use this data to create userdata for the new point. For example, if points have a color userdata, you can use the color calculated from the intersections of the edges using the existing userdata and delta1/delta2 values to interpolate the existing colors (e.g., using bilinear interpolation).

  • slick.geometry.triangulation.delaunay:triangulate(points: number[], edges: number, options: slick.geometry.triangulation.delaunay?, result: number[][], polygons: number[][]: number[][], number, number[][], number

    Performs a constrained Delaunay triangulation of the provided points and edges. Edges must not intersect and there must not be any duplicate points. Use slick.geometry.triangulation.delaunay.clean to clean up untrusted data (e.g., a drawing from a user).

    • points: expected to be in the format { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ..., xn, yn }
    • edges: expected to be in the format { a1, b1, a2, b2, ... an, bn }, indexing into points. Can be empty; if empty, will just be a Delaunay triangulation (i.e., not constrained).
    • options: a table of options, with the following values and defaults:
      • refine: boolean = true: perform a Delaunay triangulation; without this, the triangulation might not be suitable for physics, rendering, etc, but it will be faster.
      • interior: boolean = true: materialize interior edges. The even-odd fill rule is used by the triangulator. Interior edges are those defined by odd winding numbers.
      • exterior: boolean = false: materialize exterior edges. Like for interior, the even-odd fill rule is used by the triangulator. Exterior edges are those with even winding numbers.
      • polygonization: boolean = true: generates an optimistic (but not necessarily ideal) polygonization of the triangles. Each polygon produced is guaranteed to be convex.
      • maxPolygonVertexCount: number = math.huge: the max number of vertices (inclusive) for a polygonization; by default, there is no limit. If set to, e.g., 8, then any polygon will have no more than 8 vertices.
    • result: the resulting array of triangles. If an existing array of triangles is used, existing triangles will be re-used. If more triangles are necessary, then they will be added to the end of the array. The actual number of triangles generated is returned by this method.
    • polygons: the resulting array of polygons. See result for behavior.

    Returns, in order, the array of triangles; the number of triangles generated; the array of polygons (if the polygonization option is true); and the number of polygons generated.

Triangulation example

Given this data:

local inputPoints = {
    -- Exterior points
    0, 0,
    200, 0,
    200, 200,
    0, 200,

    -- Interior points
    50, 50,
    150, 50,
    150, 150,
    50, 150,

    -- Duplicate point
    0, 0

local inputEdges = {
    -- Exterior edge
    1, 2,
    2, 3,
    3, 4,
    4, 1,

    -- Interior edge
    5, 6,
    6, 7,
    7, 8,
    8, 5,

    -- Duplicate edge
    1, 2,

    -- Invalid edge
    5, 5

You can clean it up and triangulate it like so:

local slick = require("slick")
local triangulator =
local cleanPoints, cleanEdges = triangulator:clean(inputPoints, inputEdges)
local triangles, triangleCount = triangulator:triangulate(cleanPoints, cleanEdges)

for i = 1, triangleCount do
  local triangle = triangles[i]

  -- Convert the triangle index into a point index
  local a = (triangle[1] - 1) * 2 + 1
  local b = (triangle[2] - 1) * 2 + 1
  local c = (triangle[3] - 1) * 2 + 1"line", cleanPoints[a], cleanPoints[a + 1], cleanPoints[b], cleanPoints[b + 1], cleanPoints[c], cleanPoints[c + 1])


slick comes with a general purpose polygon clipper. The polygon clipper depends on slick.geometry.triangulation.delaunay. You can subtract one shape (known as "other shape") from another (known as "subject shape"); add one shape to another (order doesn't matter); and intersect two shapes (order doesn't matter for this one either). This works with polygons with holes and self-intersecting polygons.

  • slick.geometry.triangulation.delaunay?)

    Creates a new clipper with the provided Delaunay triangulator. If one is not provided, will create an internal Delaunay triangulator.

  • slick.geometry.clipper:clip(operation: slick.geometry.clipper.clipOperation, subjectPoints: number[], subjectEdges: number[], otherPoints: number[], otherEdges: number[], options: slick.geometry.clipper.clipOptions?, subjectUserdata: any[]?, otherUserdata: any[]?, resultPoints: number[]?, resultEdges: number[]?, resultUserdata: number[]?)

    Performs the provided operation against the subject shape (composed from subjectPoints and subjectEdges) and other shape (similarly composed from otherPoints and otherEdges).

    The operations available are:

    • slick.geometry.clipper.difference: Subtracts "other" from "subject". The order matters for this one, just like subtraction of numbers!

    • slick.geometry.clipper.union: Adds (combines) "subject" and "other". This operation is commutative; the order of "subject" and "other" do not matter.

    • slick.geometry.clipper.intersection: Intersects "subject" and "other". One segments/vertices in both "subject" and "other" will be in the output shape; this one is less useful... Like union, the order does not matter; this operation is commutative.

    Currently there is no "exclusive or" operation.

    The two shapes passed in will automatically be cleaned up using the triangulator belonging to this slick.geometry.clipper, so no need to clean the inputs first!

    Similarly, the output points and edges will be valid input into a triangulator without any clean up. So no need to clean the output data - that will be pointless!

    You can pass in a slick.geometry.clipper.clipOptions which is otherwise identical to slick.geometry.triangulation.delaunayCleanupOptions, with (optional) intersect and dissolve methods that will be called when generating new vertices or dissolving old ones. See slick.geometry.triangulation.delaunay.cleanup for specifics of how these functions work and what inputs they take.

    Like with clean, you can pass in userdata.

    Lastly, you can pass in the resulting points, edges, and (if using userdata) userdata arrays. The existing data in these arrays will be lost.

    This method returns the points, edges, and userdata (if generated) of the clipping operation. (These will be the arrays passed in, otherwise they will be newly allocated tables). If the clipping operation resulted in no output (i.e., intersection of two non-overlapping shapes), then the arrays will be empty.

Clipping example

Given these two shapes (the subject shape is a square and the other shape is a smaller square in the middle of the subject shape):

local subjectPoints = {
    0, 0,
    200, 0,
    200, 200,
    0, 200

local subjectEdges = {
    1, 2,
    2, 3,
    3, 4,
    4, 1

local otherPoints = {
    50, 50,
    150, 50,
    150, 150,
    50, 150

local otherEdges = {
    1, 2,
    2, 3,
    3, 4,
    4, 1

You can perform a difference like so to generate a square with a hole in the middle, then triangulate it and draw it:

local slick = require("slick")
local triangulator =
local clipper =
local outputPoints, outputEdges = clipper:clip(slick.geometry.clipper.difference, subjectPoints, subjectEdges, otherPoints, otherEdges)
local triangles, triangleCount = triangulator:triangulate(outputPoints, outputEdges)

for i = 1, triangleCount do
  local triangle = triangles[i]

  -- Convert the triangle index into a point index
  local a = (triangle[1] - 1) * 2 + 1
  local b = (triangle[2] - 1) * 2 + 1
  local c = (triangle[3] - 1) * 2 + 1"line", cleanPoints[a], cleanPoints[a + 1], cleanPoints[b], cleanPoints[b + 1], cleanPoints[c], cleanPoints[c + 1])

This will draw a triangle mesh of a square with a hole in the middle.

Remember, you do not have to clean the output data from the clipper; it is guaranteed to be valid input as-is into the triangulator.

This namespace exposes binary search methods. These operate on a sorted array of objects that can be compared using a compare method which returns -1 (or a negative value less than zero in the general case) for less than, 0 for equal, and 1 (or a positive value greater than zero, like for the less than case) for greater than.

  • fun(a: T, b: O):

Compares a against b. a and b do not have to be the same type. The result will return -1 if a is less than b; 0 if they are equal; and 1 if a is greater than b. All the binary search methods take a compare func to compare the search value against values in the array.

Each binary search method has this signature:

  • search<T, O>(array: T[], value: O, compare: function, start: number?, stop: number?): number

array must be an array of values (generally all of the same type that is comparable to one another with the same semantics as value, even if they are of different types). compare will be evaluated against a value from array and the search value value, using a divide-and-conquer approach to quickly converge on the correct value in O(n log n) time. start is optional and defaults to 1; similarly, stop defaults to #array.

The search methods to find equal values are:


    Returns the index of the first element that is qual to value. If no equal value was found in array, returns nil.

  • Returns the index of the last value that is exactly equal to value. If no equal value was found in array, returns nil.

Any values in between first and last must also be equal. Correct results are not guaranteed if this is not true.

For comparisons:


    Returns the index of the first element that is less than value. If no value is less than value, returns start (or 1 if start was not provided).


    Returns the first index in the array less than or equal to value. If no value is equal, returns the start (or 1 if start was not provided).


    Returns the index of the first value greater than value. If no value is greater than value, returns stop + 1 (or #array + 1 if stop was not provided.)


    Returns the index of the first value greater than or equal to value. If no value is greater than or equal to value, returns stop + 1 (or #array + 1 if stop was not provided.)

You can use these to not have to sort an array. For example, given this array:

local array = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 5.5, 7 }

You can keep it sorted while inserting elements like so:

local function compare(a, b)
  return a - b

local value = 4
table.insert(array,, value, compare), value)

You can also use previous values of the search functions as starting points for other searches if you're looking for a range of values:

local start =, 4, compare)
local stop =, 4, compare, start)


The slick library is licensed under the MPL. See the LICENSE file. This means you can use it in your projects pretty much however you want, but any modifications to slick source files must be returned to the community.

The slick demo (which is comprised of main.lua and any files in the demo folder) is licensed only under the MIT license. Unlike the MPL license the slick is licensed under, essentially you can take any code from the demos, such as the player controller, and use it in your own projects (commercial or otherwise) without having to share changes. See the demo/LICENSE file for the exact specifics.


slick is a simple to use polygon collision library inspired by bump.lua







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