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Project Board Reports
Erlang Ecosystem Foundation (ErlEF) Working Groups (WG) are required to report on their project's health and status quarterly to the Board of Directors. While WGs manage their own technical affairs independently, the Board provides the oversight to ensure that projects continue to operate as healthy, community- and consensus-driven projects that support our mission. See also the WG bylaws. WG Chairs and (ErlEF) Members are always welcome to attend monthly board meetings.
The chair of each WG is responsible for submitting the report for their project on a quarterly basis, at least one week before each board meeting, according to the reporting schedule at link to add
Reporting late, or outside of that schedule as mentioned below, does not shift this schedule: if you were supposed to report in January for example, but missed that and reported in February, your next report is still due in April. If your report is not submitted in time for the board to review it properly, you will be asked to submit an extra report the next month.
While in most cases the chair works with other WG members to write the report, the report is ultimately the chair's responsibility to complete and submit. The board sends several automated reminders to both chairs and WG private mailing lists to help you remember.
Exception: newly graduated WGs must submit monthly reports for the first three months after being accepted.
Report content must be committed to the board's monthly board meeting agenda.
The recommended way to submit reports is to use the Agenda tool:
- Login using your Member ID
- Find your project's entry and click blue Post Report button at bottom
- You can Edit Report later if changes are needed
Reports submitted in addition to the regular schedule are also welcomed from any WG, should they have something notable to report or to request feedback on. In this case, the chair may add the report as an attachment to the end of the agenda and create a corresponding comments section as needed.
While the primary audience for the report is the Board of Directors, remember that reports are made public after the meeting, and provide a chronological history of your project. It is beneficial to write the report with information that you want your community to know now, and in a way that will provide a helpful history for someone looking over the reports in the future.
You may wish to share the public portions of the report with your project community through the users list or project website as well.
Do not leave any of the TODO markers in your report when submitting
These points are not a template; projects should not simply copy and paste these bullets into their reports. Rather, these are the topics that the Board wants to hear about to be able to evaluate your project's health and status. Not all topics will be pertinent to every report; however the chair should consider each of these questions when writing a report.
Briefly describe what your primary work group activity is. [REQUIRED]
For example:
The build and packaging group aims to evolve the tools in the ecosystem related to building and deploying code, with a strong focus on interoperability between BEAM languages
Sum up the status and health of your project and the community in a few sentences
Starting the report with a paragraph that describes the main things that your project has worked on over the last quarter will help readers understand the key points you want to convey, and will be helpful to those that want to summarize the reports or gather information on what is happening across the foundation quickly. You can then expand on these points in the rest of the report, using the below for guidance.
The board is looking both for what technical changes the project is working on, as well as how your community is doing health-wise: are questions answered, are contributors acting appropriately, are there new contributors showing up?
Are there any issues for the Board to act on? If there are any specific issues that the Board should be aware of, or to specifically address, then please call them out. If not, then it is helpful to state something like: "There are no Board-level issues at this time."
When in doubt, it's better to include information or questions the WG has in a report, rather than waiting. Remember also that you can always ask the board questions via email at the <private board ml link to add > list anytime. -
When did the working group last deliver something to the public? [REQUIRED]
Regular public deliveries are the sign of a healthy working group. Reports should list the releases made in the past quarter, along with the release date of each.
NOTE: If no releases were made, list the date of the most recent prior release, so that the board can determine how long it has been since the project has made a release.
Describe the overall activity in the working group over the past quarter. Help the board evaluate the activity and health of the project by discussing briefly how active the member and communication channels of the group are. Are members' questions being answered? Is there new development happening? Are emails or member questions regularly read and responded to?
Describe the current plans of the working group A healthy project will often be working towards a common goal, or have a shared understanding of what is being done next - even if individual contributors have their own "itches". What are the main features being worked on? What releases are planned? Are there any specific efforts or branches of development under way? This doesn't need to be described in technical detail.
Aside from the report, if there are major announcements planned, the project should get in touch with the Marketing WG at marketing@erlef.org
Conversely, if activity is minimal, discuss how the project plans to address that - whether through seeking out new contributors, maintaining in a dormant but available state, or planning towards a move to the WGs Attic. If you need help with attracting new contributors, you can ask the Board and other WGs for tips.
- When did the last WG members join? [REQUIRED]
A healthy project tends to regularly add new WG members. The report should indicate the most recent date on which a committer was added and the most recent date on which a WG member was added to your project, whether or not these date(s) were within the last reporting period.
- WG and member diversity
A healthy project should survive the departure of any single contributor or employer of contributors. Healthy projects also serve the needs of many parties. Thus the ErlEf prefers that projects have diverse WG members. IF the WG has any concerns or perceives a problem with the diversity, then the report should include information on the number of unique organizations currently represented in its WG.
Project branding or naming issues, either in the project or externally. A project's brand — or name and logo — are an important way to identify ErlEF projects, and a key way that new users can become contributors. Is the project using its brand consistently? Are there any third parties that use your project name, logo, or good reputation improperly or in a way that harms your project?
If your project's website branding has not been completed then please include specific plans on how you'll work with the Brand Committee to finalize any remaining items. -
Legal issues or questions While the Legal Affair Committee handles any legal issues, be sure to mention any that occur in your board report.
Infrastructure issues or strategic needs
While the IInfrastructure WG handles the detail of providing needed services to our projects, feel free to include any concerns or strategic suggestions or requests in your board reports.
Do not let commercial activity related to a project dominate a report. WGs are managed by the group — not by any third party or outside organization. WG reports should be about the project, and should not discuss outside organization's efforts unless they are directly related to the health of the project.
Do not include private matters in a report without clearly marking them as such (see below)
Do not use URL shorteners.
There's no need to include details about members affiliations in a report, unless it points to an issue around diversity which may be included privately.
Occasionally a project may need to report something privately to the board, but will not want the information to be published in public minutes. Remember, all ErlEf Board reports are made public, usually a month or two after the board meeting.
Such information is welcome in your report, but please include it within
markers, each on separate lines, so we know what to omit from the public minutes.Private sections properly marked will be displayed with a grey background.
If the issue is exceptionally sensitive and you are very concerned about privacy, you may instead email directly to board-private@ or an individual board member, who will relay the information to the board.
Project reports are the key way to let the board know about the status and health of your project. With the diversity of WGs at ErlEF, these guidelines can't cover all situations. Feel free to include any additional information in your reports that you think is important about your project.
In particular, if there are any "trouble spots" - even potential ones - that the chair or other members of the WG see in the project, be sure to include a note about them in your board reports. It's better to include your concerns - or the concerns of part of your PMC - in reports, rather than letting the board potentially discover them later.
Finally, if you find yourself with a project that doesn't seem like it has enough activity to create much of a report, then be sure to report that fact. A healthy project should be aware if they are headed for the ErlEF Attic projects. ErlEF Attic projects are mentioned in a section on the site web. Moving to the Attic isn't failure; it's simply recognizing that the project may have matured, drifted off, or has been superseded by other technologies, and we should recognize that fact.
The Board relies on reports from project chairs to be able to understand the status and health of projects. If the Board cannot get a strong feeling about how your project is doing, then we will be contacting you for a follow-up report in the near future.
WG reports are not a one-directional form of communication. They are also an opportunity to engage with the Board. WG chairs are welcome to attend the Board meeting as a guest and discuss their report. They may also highlight specific issues that they want the Board to consider (either in the report, or by requesting a broader discussion item for the agenda).
Of course, chairs may also take the opportunity to raise any of these discussions on the Board@ mailing list at any time, inside or outside of their reporting period.
Each quarter, a Director will be assigned at random as the "Shepherd" for your WG report. They will be responsible for following up your report if it is late, describing the report during the meeting if there are significant comments or a lack of approval, and conveying any followup messages or actions after the meeting.
As Directors review the report in the lead up to the meeting, comments may be added into the agenda alongside your report. Project chairs are encouraged to follow these updates, and respond in advance of the meeting when practical.
The current timeline for a board meeting typically follows this pattern:
- Near the beginning of the quarter, the agenda is created and reminders are sent to projects due to report in the current cycle;
- Reports are added to the agenda over the following weeks, up until the due date for the meeting;
- Directors will review submitted reports at their convenience, and mark them as "pre-approved" if there are no concerns, sometimes adding comments or requests for more information, or editing the content for obvious corrections;
- Shepherds are assigned close to the meeting, and become more familiar with those project reports;
- A summary of the reports and any comments is sent to the Board mailing list in the 24 hours prior to the meeting;
- During the meeting, the Chairman moves quickly through reports that have received 5 or more "pre-approvals" and have no significant comments;
- Reports with significant comments, items for discussion, or a lack of pre-approval will be handed over to the shepherd, who will facilitate discussion and recommend any further action during the meeting;
- A summary is sent to all group members after the Board meeting letting them know of the main outcomes;
- Any projects or actions that were not approved or missing are added to the reminder list for the subsequent month;
- Shepherds will reach out to project chairs with specific action items arising from their reports in the meeting;
- Any director comments on your report will be sent to your project's private@ list shortly after the meeting concludes by the Secretary. This gives you brief feedback from the meeting, and a chance to engage with the board either to answer questions or to ask for advice. If the board has questions for your project, please reply-all and answer them.
- Reports are published as part of the minutes, when approved in the subsequent monthly meeting of the Board of Directors.
As you can see, ensuring the report is received on time, includes all necessary details, and has comments addressed greatly enhances the flow of the Board meeting, which needs to cover all WGs & podling reports each month, in addition to other business.