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How to Update Unicode Version

Jihyeok Park edited this page Sep 5, 2023 · 1 revision

This document explains how to update Unicode version in ESMeta.

Update of unicode-gen

First, you need to update es-meta/unicode-gen.

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Add the new Unicode versions to dependencies in the package.json file. For example, if the new versions are 15.0.0 and 15.1.0, you need to add two npm packages as follows:
      "dependencies": {
        "@unicode/unicode-15.0.0": "^1.5.2",
        "@unicode/unicode-15.1.0": "^1.5.2",
  3. Change the version in package.json (Only minor version update):
      "version": "1.1.0"
  4. Add new versions to data.js.
  5. Update examples in file and args.js.
  6. Build and check the update is valid:
    npm run build
    ./bin/unicode-gen.js help
    ./bin/unicode-gen.js -u 15.1.0 -p ID_Start -o id_start.json
  7. Commit all the changes.
  8. Add a new tag and push it to the remote:
    git tag v1.1.0
    git push --tag origin v1.1.0
  9. Release this repo:
    npm run release
    (It requires the authority. Please contact @jhnaldo

Update of Resources

  1. Install the unicode-gen:
    npm install -g @es-meta/unicode-gen
  2. Enter the resource directory for Unicode:
    cd $ESMETA_HOME/src/main/resources/unicode
  3. Generate unicode raw data for ID_Start and ID_Continue:
    unicode-gen -u 15.1.0 -p ID_Start -o ID_Start_15.1.0.json
    unicode-gen -u 15.1.0 -p ID_Continue -o ID_Continue_15.1.0.json