The following libaries and framework are used:
Create an .env file from .env.example, with your local values for
Note: When running your local environment on a certain port, let's say 3000, modify your APP_URL
in the file to reflect that port, else the api's won't work
Development environment (Ubuntu on Windows + Visual Studio Code, prevents having to install a lot on Windows)
- Install the following:
- Visual Studio Code:
- Ubuntu (Windows Subsystem for Linux): (link may break, just search for Ubuntu in the Windows Store. Make sure it's from Canonical Group)
- Enable WSL feature on Windows: Go to Open Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows Feature on or off -> Check Windows Subsystem for Linux.
- Open Ubuntu, wait, and set a username and password when prompted
- Install necessary packages
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get --purge remove php-common sudo apt-get install git php-common php-mysql php-cli php-gd php-curl php-dom php-zip composer mysql-server npm
- Start the MySQL (database) server, set a root password, create a database, and make MySQL start on root
sudo service mysql start sudo mysql ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE'; CREATE DATABASE esac; exit sudo update-rc.d mysql defaults
- Clone the project repository
git clone
- Move into the repository root
- Copy .env.example to .env
cp .env.example .env
- Edit .env using nano
Alternatively, you can open the repository in VScode and use the IDE to edit the .env file
nano .env
code .
- As of now, the only thing you need to change is DB_PASSWORD. If you mindlessly copied the commands in step 4, the DB_PASSWORD should be set to "YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE". If you're using nano, press Ctrl X and follow instructions. If you're using vscode, just save the file.
- Make sure you've enabled the following extensions in your php.ini file. To find the location, use
php --ini
and note down the "Loaded Configuration File" path. You can usesudo nano [path]
to then edit it. Make sure that these lines are uncommented (use Ctrl+W to search if you wish):extension=pdo_mysql
- Execute the following commands from the repository root
When you make changes to CSS or JS file you need to build again which can be done with
composer install php artisan migrate php artisan db:seed php artisan key:generate php artisan storage:link npm install npm run dev
It is also possible to recompile your files when you make a change by running the following commandnpm run dev
npm run watch
- Open another Ubuntu (from Windows Start) and run, from the repository root
This will open Visual Studio Code in the codebase.
code .
- Then run
php artisan serve
- You can then go to localhost:8000 in your favorite browser and view your own version of the esac website!
If you get errors that you cannot access the database or that the database is down, you can start mysql using sudo service mysql start
. If you want you can check if mysql is running with sudo service mysql status
- Open ubuntu
- Navigate to the repository root using
- Run either
npm run dev
ornpm run watch
to start the javascript development server - Open a new terminal instance and run
code .
from the repository root to open VScode - Then run
php artisan serve
to start up the laravel development server. - Go to localhost:8000 in your favorite browser to view your own version of the ESAC website
If you want to reseed the database because, for example, you want to regenerate the agenda items, run the following commands:
WARNING: don't use the first command if there is any important data in your database that isn't backed up.
php artisan migrate:fresh
php artisan db:seed
The first command will drop all your tables and rerun all migrations and the second command will seed the database with data again.
you need the following programs to run the code on your local environment:
- A web serverXampp:
- Composer:
- NodeJS:
- Git:
Clone the project repository
git clone
Create an .env file from .env.example, with your local values for DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD Note: When running your local environment on a certain port, let's say 3000, modify your
in the file to reflect that port, else the api's won't work -
Make sure you've enabled the following extensions in your php.ini file, this can be found next to the php.exe location
extension=fileinfo extension=gd extension=pdo_mysql
Execute the following commands from the repository root
composer install php artisan migrate php artisan db:seed php artisan key:generate php artisan storage:link npm install npm run dev
When you make changes to CSS or JS file you need to build again which can be done with
npm run dev
It is also possible to recompile your files when you make a change by running the following command
npm run watch
When you update the server make sure you run the following commands
php artisan migrate
npm run production