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Josh Oldenburg edited this page Jun 25, 2014 · 1 revision

Out of the box, QuickDialog provides several elements:

  • QLabelElement: simple inline label and value cell, like a plain UITableViewCell
  • QBadgeElement: like the label cell, but the value is displayed with a badge, like the Mail app
  • QBooleanElement: shows a UISwitch
  • QButtonElement: has a centered title that looks like a button
  • QDateTimeElement: allows the editing of dates, time, or date&time values. Editing occurs in a new controller that is pushed automatically
  • QEntryElement: input field to allow you to collect values from the user. Automatically resizes so that all entries in the same section look alike
  • QDecimalElement: like a QEntryElement, but allows only numbers, automatically limited to a predefined number of decimal places
  • QFloatElement: shows a UISlider to allow floating-point input
  • QMapElement: when selected, shows a fullscreen map with the location selected. Requires a lat/long value.
  • QRadioElement: allows user to select one of multiple options available. Automatically pushes a new table with the item to be selected
  • QTextElement: freeform text input, rendered in the font provided
  • QWebElement: pushes a simple browser that opens the URL defined in the element.

All those elements contain a few parameters that can be used:

  • key: used to set the name of every cell, so that you can find them automatically. This field is also used to read values back from each cell.
  • controllerAction: string that represents the controller method that will be called when the cell is selected. Many elements automatically display a disclosure indicator if this property is set.
  • onSelected: block that is executed the moment the cell is selected. Many elements automatically display a disclosure indicator if this property is set.


Sections are simple groupings of elements. Sections by default have a few properties:

  • title/footer: simple strings displayed as header and footer of the section
  • headerView/footerView: in case these are set, the views passed are displayed instead of the titles. Very useful to display images or custom views in tables.

Besides those properties, a few custom section types can be used:

  • QRadioSection: display multiple choice elements inline, instead of pushing another view controller with the options.
  • QSortingSection: automatically enables sorting of the cells inside the section.
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