This is a plugin for the Open Source Web Analytics platform Piwik. If enabled, it will add a new widget that you can add to your dashboard.
The widget will show the top performing pages of a site that auto-refreshes every x seconds. It shows the number of actions and the title of the page. It is auto-sorting the entries.
This plugin should run fine with installations with up to 100.000 page impressions per day. If you run a very large piwik installation and have performance issues with this plugin, please contact me - there is a solution for this. I have it up and running in an installation with more than 10 million visits per day.
(Tested with piwik 2.8.3, but supposed to run with older versions)
Install it via Piwik Marketplace OR install manually:
Clone the plugin into the plugins directory of your Piwik installation.
cd plugins/ git clone TopPagesByActions
Login as superuser into your Piwik installation and activate the plugin under Settings -> Plugins
You will now find the widget under the Live! section.
###Features Here is a list of features that are included in this project:
- Live widget ("Bestperforming pages") with key performance indices
###Configuration Refresh interval: Defines how often the widgets will be updated. Every 30 seconds is a good value to choose.
Number of entries: Defines the number of entries to show in the widget.
- fixed english translation of table headers
- removed javascript console log
- fixed bug with timezones that match /^UTC[+-]*/
- fixed css bug in internet explorer
- initial release
GPL v3 or later
- Please direct any feedback to
If you are interested in contributing to this plugin, feel free to send pull requests!