Installs & configures serverbase, a MERN instance, which consists of an nginx front end backed by node.js and mongoDb on one instance. The intended target of this cookbook is for AWS on Amazon Linux.
Example optional build process using Berkshelf - :$ berks package serverbase.tar.gz
Recipes in this cookbook are broken down into setup and configure components. While they can be organized how you'd like the recommended order is below:
include_recipe 'serverbase::init'
include_recipe 'serverbase::users'
include_recipe 'serverbase::structure'
include_recipe 'serverbase::ssl'
include_recipe 'serverbase::web'
include_recipe 'serverbase::nodeserver'
include_recipe 'serverbase::dbserver' -
include_recipe 'serverbase::mongodb_user_management'
include_recipe 'serverbase::services' -
include_recepie 'serverbase::shutdown'
Tested on Amazon Linux 2018.03 instance
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Copyright (c) 2018