Join our dogfooding experiment!
Hi guys, we will be using a bunch of dApps for the event, so please DO USE THEM. Zinc for work-proof: Livepeer livestreams in the blockchain and we're running a node staking LPT sponsors bounties are ran by gitcoin in our github: Find the documentation for the frameworks and toolkits in Kauri: Bounties network, stake berlincoin and get a prize at the end of the hackathon: Community prizes will be voted via Aragon Surveys People's choice: YOU NEED TO VOTE! via Olympia - Phil our head of mentors will explain the how to tonight Microblog about the event on Peepeth, pretty please Stay tuned for the DAI happy hour announcement and head to Maker's booth to get physical tokens :) Status will lso do the final voting of their tshirt competition on their d-reddit app: Please use them, explore, and lets collaborate on generating a userbase for them throughout the weekend. We'll get performance reports on all, and write a report, cause we're all here to prove that this ecosystem works!
Feel free to submit issues here, or in their repos - we love issues