This project is not supported anymore. If you have any question or would like to contribute find us on Gitter.
EthereumJ is a pure-Java implementation of the Ethereum protocol. For high-level information about Ethereum and its goals, visit The ethereum white paper provides a complete conceptual overview, and the yellow paper provides a formal definition of the protocol.
We keep EthereumJ as thin as possible. For JSON-RPC support and other client features check Ethereum Harmony.
repositories {
maven { url "" }
implementation "org.ethereum:ethereumj-core:1.9.+"
As a starting point for your own project take a look at
git clone
cd ethereumj
cp ethereumj-core/src/main/resources/ethereumj.conf ethereumj-core/src/main/resources/user.conf
vim ethereumj-core/src/main/resources/user.conf # adjust user.conf to your needs
./gradlew clean fatJar
java -jar ethereumj-core/build/libs/ethereumj-core-*-all.jar
> git clone
> cd ethereumj
> ./gradlew run [-PmainClass=<sample class>]
./gradlew run -PmainClass=org.ethereum.samples.BasicSample
./gradlew run -PmainClass=org.ethereum.samples.FollowAccount
./gradlew run -PmainClass=org.ethereum.samples.PendingStateSample
./gradlew run -PmainClass=org.ethereum.samples.PriceFeedSample
./gradlew run -PmainClass=org.ethereum.samples.PrivateMinerSample
./gradlew run -PmainClass=org.ethereum.samples.TestNetSample
./gradlew run -PmainClass=org.ethereum.samples.TransactionBomb
Please, note, snapshots are not stable and are currently in development! If you still want to try it:
- Add as a repository to your build script
- Add a dependency on
, where${VERSION}
is of the form1.13.0-SNAPSHOT
<!-- ... -->
> git clone
> cd ethereumj
> gradlew build
- File -> New -> Project from existing sources…
- Select ethereumj/build.gradle
- Dialog “Import Project from gradle”: press “OK”
- After building run either
, one oforg.ethereum.samples.*
or create your own main.
For reference on all existing options, their description and defaults you may refer to the default config ethereumj.conf
(you may find it in either the library jar or in the source tree ethereum-core/src/main/resources
To override needed options you may use one of the following ways:
- put your options to the
<working dir>/config/ethereumj.conf
file - put
to the root of your classpath (as a resource) - put your options to any file and supply it via
-Dethereumj.conf.file=<your config>
, accepts several configs, separated by comma applied in provided order:-Dethereumj.conf.file=<config1>,<config2>
- programmatically by using
- programmatically using by overriding Spring
Note that don’t need to put all the options to your custom config, just those you want to override.
YourKit for providing us with their nice profiler absolutely for free.
YourKit supports open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is the creator of YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler, innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications.
Chat with us via Gitter
ethereumj is released under the LGPL-V3 license.