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A modular typescript implementation of ERC4337 (Account Abstraction) bundler client.


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A modular, developer-friendly Typescript Bundler for Ethereum EIP-4337 Account Abstraction

Warning! This repo/software is under active development


Skandha v1 - supports EntryPoint 0.6.0 and can be found on master

Skandha v2 - supports EntryPoint 0.7.0 and can be found on develop

Important links

Install Skandha | Chains supported) | UserOp Fee history

⚙️ How to run (from Source code)

Run with one-liner:

curl -fsSL | bash

Or follow the steps below:

  1. install all dependencies by running yarn
  2. build yarn build && yarn bootstrap
  3. cp config.json.default config.json
  4. edit config.json
  5. (optional) run local geth-node from test/geth-dev
  6. run ./skandha standalone
  7. The bundler will be available on http://localhost:14337/rpc/

For a video tutorial on the above, you can view this here.

🐳 How to run (a Docker image)

  1. cp config.json.default config.json
  2. edit config.json
  3. docker build -t etherspot/skandha .
  4. docker run --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/config.json,target=/usr/app/config.json,readonly -dp 14337:14337 etherspot/skandha standalone

📜 Additional features

  • Unsafe mode - bypass opcode & stake validation
  • Redirect RPC - Redirect ETH rpc calls to the underlying execution client. This is needed if you use UserOp.js
  • P2P - Exchange of UserOps between all the nodes in the network. Heavily inspired by the Lodestar's implementation of p2p (
  • Websockets event - to listen to pending and submitted userops

⚡️ CLI Options

  • --unsafeMode - enables unsafeMode
  • --redirectRpc - enables redirecting eth rpc calls
  • --executor.bundlingMode manual|auto - sets bundling mode to manual or auto on start. Default value is auto
  • true|false - enables / disables websocket server. Default is true
  • --api.wsPort number - sets websocket service port. Default is the same as api.port

🔑 Relayer Configuration

Simplest config.json

  "entryPoints": [
  "relayer": "0x{RELAYER-PRIVATE-KEY}",
  "beneficiary": "0x{BENEFICIARY-ADDRESS}",
  "rpcEndpoint": ""

config.json with a default value of each config parameter

  "entryPoints": [ # supported entry points
  "relayers": [
    "test test test test test test test test test test test junk"
  ], # relayers private keys, can access from here or via environment variables (SKANDHA_MUMBAI_RELAYERS | SKANDHA_DEV_RELAYERS | etc.)
  "beneficiary": "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266", # optional, fee collector, available via env var (SKANDHA_MUMBAI_BENEFICIARY | etc) - if not set, relayer will be used
  "rpcEndpoint": "http://localhost:8545", # rpc provider, also available via env variable (SKANDHA_MUMBAI_RPC | etc)
  "minInclusionDenominator": 10, # optional, see EIP-4337
  "throttlingSlack": 10, # optional, see EIP-4337
  "banSlack": 50 # optional, see EIP-4337
  "minStake": 10000000000, # optional, min stake of an entity (in wei)
  "minUnstakeDelay": 0, # optional, min unstake delay of an entity
  "minSignerBalance": 1, # optional, default is 0.1 ETH. If the relayer's balance drops lower than this, it will be selected as a fee collector
  "multicall": "0xcA11bde05977b3631167028862bE2a173976CA11", # optional, multicall3 contract (see
  "estimationGasLimit": 0, # optional,gas limit during simulateHandleOps and simulateValidation calls
  "receiptLookupRange": 1024, # optional,limits the block range of getUserOperationByHash and getUserOperationReceipt
  "etherscanApiKey": "", # optional,etherscan api is used to fetch gas prices
  "conditionalTransactions": false, # optional,enable conditional transactions
  "rpcEndpointSubmit": "", # optional,rpc endpoint that is used only during submission of a bundle
  "gasPriceMarkup": 0, # optional,adds % markup on reported gas price via skandha_getGasPrice, 10000 = 100.00%, 500 = 5%
  "enforceGasPrice": false, # optional,do not bundle userops with low gas prices
  "enforceGasPriceThreshold": 1000, # optional,gas price threshold in bps. If set to 500, userops' gas price is allowed to be 5% lower than the network's gas price
  "eip2930": false, # optional, enables eip-2930
  "useropsTTL": 300, # optional, Userops time to live (in seconds)
  "whitelistedEntities": { # optional, Entities that bypass stake and opcode validation (array of addresses)
    "factory": [],
    "paymaster": [],
    "account": []
  "bundleGasLimitMarkup": 25000, # optional, adds some amount of additional gas to a bundle tx
  "relayingMode": "classic"; # optional, allows to switch to Flashbots Builder api if set to "flashbots", see packages/executor/src/interfaces.ts for more
  "bundleInterval": 10000, # bundle creation interval
  "bundleSize": 4, # optional, max size of a bundle, 4 userops by default
  "pvgMarkup": 0 # optional, adds some gas on top of estimated PVG
  "cglMarkup": 35000, # optional, markup on estimated call gas limit
  "vglMarkup": 0, # optional, markup on estimated verification gas limit
  "skipBundleValidation": false, # # optional, skips bundle validation
  "userOpGasLimit": 25000000, # optional, gas limit of a userop
  "bundleGasLimit": 25000000, # optional, gas limit of a bundle
  "archiveDuration": 5184000 # optional, keeps submitted, reverted and cancelled userops in the mempool for this many seconds

node-gyp errors during yarn bootstrap on M1/M2

  • Try executing brew install python-setuptools and then re-run yarn bootstrap

🚀 Hosted Version

Skip the setup and use our fully managed bundler service!

✨ Features of Hosted Version

  • 🔥 High-availability infrastructure
  • ⚡️ Auto-scaling capabilities
  • 🛡️ Enterprise-grade security
  • 📊 Advanced monitoring and analytics
  • 💫 Zero maintenance overhead
  • 🌐 Global CDN distribution
  • 🔄 Automatic updates and patches

🎉 Getting Started with Hosted Version

  1. Visit Etherspot Developer Portal
  2. Create your account
  3. Get your API key
  4. Start building! No infrastructure management needed

Register Now and get started in minutes!

💬 Contact

If you have any questions or feedback about the ERC-4337 Bundler project, please feel free to reach out to us.

📄 License

Licensed under the MIT License.

🤝 Shared Mempool (P2P)

🔢 Statistics


🙏 Acknowledgements