This repository is deprecated and has been moved to
This repository contains a Python package that validates file sets for DataJoint pipelines.
pip install git+
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- Install the Remote - Containers extension in VS Code and open the repository in a container.
- Open the devcontainer in GitHub Codespaces:
Validate a fileset against an existing manifest:
from datajoint_file_validator import validate
my_dataset_path = 'tests/data/filesets/fileset0'
manifest_path = 'datajoint_file_validator/manifests/demo_dlc/v0.1.yaml'
success, report = validate(my_dataset_path, manifest_path, verbose=True, format='json')
# Validation failed with the following errors:
# [
# {
# "rule": "Min total files",
# "rule_description": "Check that there are at least 6 files anywhere in the fileset",
# "constraint_id": "count_min",
# "constraint_value": 6,
# "errors": "constraint `count_min` failed: 4 < 6"
# }
# False
Alternatively, validate using the included command line interface:
$ datajoint-file-validator validate tests/data/filesets/fileset0 datajoint_file_validator/manifests/demo_dlc/v0.1.yaml
❌ Validation failed with 1 errors!
┃ ┃ Rule ┃ ┃ Constraint ┃ ┃
┃ Rule ID ┃ Description ┃ Constraint ID ┃ Value ┃ Errors ┃
│ Min total │ Check that │ count_min │ 6 │ constraint │
│ files │ there are at │ │ │ `count_min` │
│ │ least 6 files │ │ │ failed: 4 < 6 │
│ │ anywhere in │ │ │ │
│ │ the fileset │ │ │ │
Ethan Ho @ethho