FINALLY a telegram bot, so you don't miss out rare pokemon anymore.
Made using pogom and python-telegram-bot
BUT NOW (drumroll) SUPPORT PokemonGo-Map
- Clone repository with
git clone
- this will clone master branch
- master branch
- Stable branch
- Tested features
- develop branch
- Could be instable sometimes.
- Newest features
- Switching branches
- Never used develop before:
git checkout -b develop origin/develop
- switch to master:
git checkout master
- switch to develop:
git checkout develop
- update current branch:
git pull
See it at our wiki.
Now our bot can send you the notification with the IV number, but only with PokemonGO-Map using the develop branch.
See them at our commands page.
See it at our troubleshooting page.
IF YOU ARE REPORTING A BUG OPEN A ISSUE, but if you want to contact the creators write to our telegram group:
23 sept 2016: added user selected language for move names if available. Otherwise using english.
23 sept 2016: added individual iv filter for pokemons.
21 sept 2016: added /location to set locationbased filtering with text. Sending your location works too.
16 sept 2016: added imported locales from pokemongo-map
16 sept 2016: added script to convert pokemongo-map locales
14 sept 2016: added POKEMON_MINIMUM_IV feature