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Creating a staff account for development

Max Goodman edited this page Aug 21, 2015 · 1 revision

A staff account is required to perform many administrative actions in Heim. Here's how to do it for a development instance (a bit hacky at the moment):

  1. Grant yourself access to ssh console.

    On your docker host, get a shell on the etcd container:
    docker exec -it heim_etcd_1 /bin/sh

    Add your public key to etcd where Heim will find it:
    echo <your public key> | etcdctl -C $(hostname -i):4001 set /dev/

  2. Register an account (if you haven't already).

    In the JS console on a Heim tab:
    Heim.socket.devSend({type: "register-account", data: {namespace: "email", id: "your@email.address", password: "something"}})

    Make note of the account id returned for the next step.

  3. Run the grant-staff command in the ssh console:
    ssh -p 2222 localhost
    > grant-staff thataccountid local

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