Implementation of the method described in Local Patterns and Supergraph for Chemical Graph Classification with Convolutional Networks (S+SSPR2018, pdf here).
- bin/supergraph : compute a supergraph of a graph database as well as the projections of input data onto the supergraph
- bin/supergraph-cv : compute a supergraph for each cross-validation subset
- bin/supergraph-cv-omp : the same, multi-threaded with OpenMP
- bin/project : compute the projections of the database's graphs onto a supergraph
- bin/stars : compute stars present in a graph database encoded as a vector
- bin/ds2json : convert a
dataset into json format - bin/ds_stats : compute stats of a dataset
- bin/cv_indices : create files of indices for each cross-validation subset
It is possible to create the program bin/supergraph-cv-omp
using a bipartite approximation of
graph edit distance at each step of the algorithm by using the rule supergraph-cv-bipartite
the Makefile. This accelerates the computation but the resulting supergraph will be more dense.
For more information about this, please consult the paper.
lsape is a toolbox to address the linear sum assignment problem with edition (Greyc lab).
graph_lib is toolbox of graph algorithms, especially adressing the problem of Graph Edit Distance estimation (Greyc lab).
edmonds is an implementation of the Edmonds-Blossom algorithm to find minimum weight perfect matchings on graphs.
* lsape
* graph_lib
* edmonds
It is then necessary to update the global variables in the Makefile :
Path to the repertoryinclude
of lsapeGRAPH_DIR
Path to the repertoryinclude
of graph_libGRAPH_OBJ
Path to the filegraphlib.a
Path to the root repertory of edmonds
for graph_lib dependences are :
- TinyXML
- Eigen3
- OpenMP (for the multi-thread version)