Somehow my phone did not start one day and I had to restore it. Luckily I could still access my data via recovery and could fetch a tarballed copy of the '/data' partition. I searched the internet and found this project [].
I started to adapt the script to read from my local '/data' copy. In that process I started to rewrite much of the backup/restore code (of and and extended its functionality.
My goal was to have a script that tries to restore as much as possible to the original state. Eg. setting the Unix permission exactly like they were before, have external data, keystores, permissions and more.
The scripts were developed and tested only on rooted android 7 and 10.
- encryption of backup
- backup of keystores (may fail if changing phone and/or the implementation is in hardware)
- backup of external data
- backup of external data on microSD card
- loads of command line switches
- restore also the previous installer app signature. eg.
- Unix permissions/ownership set (hopefully) correctly.
- fix lib symlink in data
$ bash --help is a script to backup apks, data, external data, keystores, permissions and external app related data from sdcard. For more information have a look at this help.
--backup-dir where to put the backup. Use always in combination with --local. If backup from device (without this option) there is a generated backup dir
--data-path path to the mountpoint '/data'. Default is '/data'. Useful in combination with --local where you have a copy of the '/data' partition somewhere.
--debug display some more messages.
--encrypt encrypt backup on the fly.
--ext-data-sdcard backup also data from an external (micro)SD card related to the app you want to backup up. eg: /mnt/media_rw/<SDCARD_MOUNTPOINT>/Android/data/pkg.example. Restore only manually possible.
--local state that this is doing a backup from a copy of your phone's '/data' partition on your PC.
--matching-apps only backup matching apps. eg: --matching-apps "org.mozilla.firefox|org.videolan.vlc"
--no-apk do not backup apk(s).
--no-data do not backup data of app(s).
--no-ext-data do not backup external data of app(s). eg: /data/media/0/Android/data/pkg.example
--no-keystore do not backup keystore(s).
--no-perms do not backup permissions of app(s).
--only-apk do only backup apk(s).
--only-data do only backup data of app(s).
--only-ext-data do only backup external data of app(s). eg: /data/media/0/Android/data/pkg.example
--only-keystore do only backup keystore(s).
--only-perms do only backup permissions of app(s).
--single-app only backup this single app. eg: --single-app org.videolan.vlc
--system-apps include system apps in backup
--system-apps-only include only system apps in backup
--update-tools force updating tools via git. At the moment tar and busybox
--use-busybox-selinux force to use selinux busybox version on some systems
--help Display this help
--list-apps-only list apps only that might be backup
some examples:
# create backup from local '/data' dump from single app:
bash --local --single-app org.videolan.vlc --data-path /path/to/datadump --backup-dir myBackupDir
# create backup from device matching appsingle app:
bash --matching-apps "|com.github.bravenewpipe"
# backup all user apks from device:
bash --backup-dir myBackupDir2 --no-keystore --no-data --no-ext-data --no-perms
$ bash --help
WARNING: restoring random system apps is quite likely to make things worse
unless you are copying between 2 identical devices.
You probably want to mv backupdir/app_{,}* /backup/location
This will cause this script not to try and restore system app data is a script to restore apks, data, external data, keystores, permissions. For more information have a look at this help.
--backup-dir the directory with the backup that should be restored
--data-path path to the mountpoint '/data'. Default is '/data'. Useful in combination with --local where you have a copy of the '/data' partition somewhere.
--debug display some more messages.
--do-nothing mostly do nothing. This option is not properly tested --> TODO.
--help Display this help
--matching-apps only restore matching apps. eg: --matching-apps "org.mozilla.firefox|org.videolan.vlc"
--no-apk do not restore apk(s).
--no-data do not restore data of app(s).
--no-ext-data do not restore external data of app(s). eg: /data/media/0/Android/data/pkg.example
--no-keystore do not restore keystore(s).
--no-perms do not restore permissions of app(s).
--only-apk do only restore apk(s).
--only-data do only restore data of app(s).
--only-ext-data do only restore external data of app(s). eg: /data/media/0/Android/data/pkg.example
--only-keystore do only restore keystore(s).
--only-perms do only restore permissions of app(s).
--single-app only restore this single app. eg: --single-app org.videolan.vlc
--update-tools force updating tools via git. At the moment tar and busybox
--list-apps-only list apps only that might be restore
--no-precaution Do not force user to confirm that he might overwrite files on the device
--behaviour-delete-app-data Do not use 'pm clear' as it also deletes ext data. Use rm -rf to delete app data
some examples:
# restore single app to device:
bash --single-app "org.videolan.vlc"
# restore only apks to device:
bash --backup-dir myBackupDir --no-keystore --no-data --no-ext-data --no-perms
This script is just a wrapper to help install apks onto your device. But maybe you prefer using adb directly.
$ bash --help
Usage: [OPTION]... [FILE(S)]...
--install install apk(s) you specified with --apk-*
--list list apk(s) you specified with --apk-*
--apk-files APK1 APK2 ... apk(s) that are complete app(s)
--apk-files-split APK1 APK2 ... apk paths for a split app
--apk-dir DIR the directory with (none split) apk(s) for app(s)
--apk-dir-split DIR the directory with (split) apks for single app
--installer-name NAME the installer signature to use: eg ""
--help show this help