Everscale is secure and scalable network. Lets do this network convenient both for users and developers!
- This client was automatically generated from api.json ( see ClientGenerator)
- Fully supported methods provided in SDK documentation https://github.com/tonlabs/TON-SDK/tree/master/docs
- No Newtonsoft.Json required
- The most complete support of CancellationToken
- Net Standard 2.1, Net 6, Net 7, Net 8 compatible
Be careful! no network endpoints provided as default
dotnet add package EverscaleNet.Client
dotnet add package EverscaleNet.WebClient
public class YourEverService {
private readonly IEverClient _everClient;
public YourEverService(IEverClient everClient) {
_everClient = everClient;
public string GetEverSecretPhase() {
var mnemonic = await _everClient.Crypto.MnemonicFromRandom(new ParamsOfMnemonicFromRandom());
return mnemonic.Phrase;
There is easy option to load contracts abi, tvm, keys or code info from files or web in this client.
Now available following async methods:
public interface IEverPackageManager {
Task<Package> LoadPackage(string name); // Load whole package within Abi, Tvc, KeyPair and Code
Task<Abi> LoadAbi(string name); // deserialize abi json to Abi
Task<string> LoadTvc(string name); // compiled contract in base64
Task<KeyPair> LoadKeyPair(string name); // deserialize keypair to KeyPair
Task<string> LoadCode(string name); // Load Code as text
Default contracts path is _contracts
Be careful, Blazor WASM app will search for _contracts
relative to wwwroot
See configuration client parameters:
- https://docs.everos.dev/ever-sdk/reference/types-and-methods/mod_client#clientconfig
- https://docs.everos.dev/ever-sdk/guides/configuration/endpoint-configuration
.AddEverClient(client => {
client.Network.Endpoints = new[] { "http://mainnet.evercloud.dev/your-project-id-here/graphql" };
client.Network.NetworkRetriesCount = 5;
}, packageManager =>
packageManager.PackagesPath = "_my_contracts"; // path to files, _contracts is default
packageManager.AbiFileTemplate = "{0}.abi.json";
packageManager.TvcFileTemplate = "{0}.tvc";
packageManager.KeyPairFileTemplate = "{0}.keys.json";
packageManager.CodeFileTemplate = "{0}.code";
.AddEverWebClient(client => {
client.Network.Endpoints = new[] { "http://mainnet.evercloud.dev/your-project-id-here/graphql" };
}, packageManager => {
packageManager.BasePath = "http://your_site.com"; // can be builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress
packageManager.PackagesPath = "_my_contracts"; // path relative to `wwwroot`
}, libWeb => {
// configuring js wasm wrapper
// see https://github.com/tonlabs/ever-sdk-js#setup-library
libWeb.DisableSeparateWorker = false;
libWeb.BinaryUrl = "/_content/EverscaleNet.Adapter.Wasm/eversdk.wasm";
Blazor WASM sample
"EverClient": {
"Network": {
"Endpoints": [ "http://mainnet.evercloud.dev/your-project-id-here/graphql" ],
"WaitForTimeout": 5000
"PackageManager": {
"PackagesPath": "_my_contracts"
Fully compatible with https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/extensions/logging
There are a few properties with type JsonElement in data models. And this client provide methods to easy convert this properties to/from Prototype.
ResultOfParse parseResult = await everClient.Boc.ParseMessage(new ParamsOfParse
var parsedPrototype = new {type = default(int), id = default(string)};
var parsedMessage = parseResult.Parsed!.Value.ToPrototype(parsedPrototype);
_logger.LogInformation("Parsed message id: {id} type: {type}", parsedMessage.id, parsedMessage.type);
await everClient.Net.WaitForCollection(new ParamsOfWaitForCollection
Collection = "transactions",
Filter = new {in_msg = new {eq = parsedMessage.id}}.ToJsonElement(),
Result = "id"
dotnet add package EverscaleNet.AppKit
dotnet add package EverscaleNet.Testing
There are a few useful things in the libs
- AccountBase - used to create C# contact wrappers
- IMultisigAccount(MultisigAccount) - base for mutisig wallet
- automatically compile all sol and tsol files in your project
Solidity compiling parameters(set with PropertyGroup or -p
- SolCompilerVersion (default: latest)
- TVMLinkerVersion (default: latest)
- ContractsBasePath (default: _contracts)
- InitKeyPairService - hosted service to add KeyPair with random keys to DI
- IEverGiver(EverGiverV3) - giver interface configured by GiverOptions (SE keys by default)
- InitMultisigAccountService - hosted service to init MultisigAccount
see examples for testing framework https://github.com/everscale-actions/everscale-dotnet/tree/main/samples/TestingExample
This project has no funding, but everyone can support.
Surf Wallet: 0:9b487d68e4f029ab6d92640892d99d1c549ae69b198df414e905350559a165bf