FLEX is a fast and secure decentralized exchange with a limit order book built on Everscale.
There are no intermediate layers between the trader and the blockchain here - everything works on native Everscale smart contracts communicating with each other. Namely, FLEX operates as a decentralized and distributed limit order book (DLOB), which takes a most common centralized exchange model: central limit order book (CLOB) and implements it on-chain via a distributed smart contract model.
FLEX allows to trade in a variety of tokens - from native EVERs to common and popular assets from other blockchains wrapped to Everscale-standard distributed tokens.
Funds security is achieved by ensuring all smart contracts containing trader funds are governed by the trader's keys and may not undergo any updates without the the trader's authorization.
FLEX is available as Web and Desktop DApps.
Explore Flex at: https://flexdex.fi/****
GitHub: github.com/tonlabs/flex****
Core contract documentation: https://tonlabs.github.io/flex/
Flex SDK for integration: https://tonlabs.github.io/flex-sdk-js/