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Installs Nginx from package, sets up some default configuration and defines LWRP supposed to be used inside your own cookbooks, which you use to manage your infrastructure.



At the moment this cookbook doesn't depend on other cookbooks but it may change in the future.


The cookbook has been tested to work on Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Debian 8 and Debian 9

I suppose it should also work for CenOS/RHEL but no tests have been conducted yet.

Chef version

Chef version >= 13 has to be used.

Сhef 12 is reaching its EOL in April 2018 and will be removed from so it doesn't make sense to continue its support, so I'm dropping Chef 12 support starting from version 3.0.0 of this cookbook in favor of Chef 13.


Defaults that are used to configure nginx. If you want to change one of this parameters in nginx consider using provided LWRP and definitions.

  • node['nginx']['config']['conf_dir'] - Base nginx config directory. Default /etc/nginx.
  • node['nginx']['config']['log_dir'] - Directory for nginx log files. Default /var/log/nginx.
  • node['nginx']['config']['user'] - Default user that nginx will use to run worker processes. Default: www-data.
  • node['nginx']['config']['worker_processes'] - Number of nginx workers. Default cpu['total'].
  • node['nginx']['config']['worker_connections'] - Number of simultaneous connections that one worker can serve. Default 8192`.
  • node['nginx']['config']['worker_rlimit_nofile'] - Specifies the value for maximum file descriptors that can be opened by one worker process. Default 8192.
  • node['nginx']['config']['pid'] - Path to Nginx pid file. Default: /var/run/
  • node['nginx']['config']['mainconfig_include'] - Include files into the main context of nginx.conf. Default: nil
  • node['nginx']['config']['error_log'] - Path to a default error log file. Default: /var/log/nginx/error.log


This cookbook provides only one recipe:


This default recipe will make some basic steps:

  • installs Nginx from the package that is provided by your OS's package manager ("pin" the desired version using another cookbook);
  • creates all directories for configuration, directory for log files, etc;
  • creates default nginx.conf file and associated files;
  • configures log rotation for Nginx;
  • enables and starts Nginx service;
  • runs resource that removes Nginx configuration files for sites, which are not defined by this cookbook's LWRP.


Wrapper-cookbook way

This cookbook has been designed to provide LWRP for your own infrastructure recipes. First of all, we should make our infrastructure cookbook to load this one.

  • Do it by adding the line depends nginx_lwrp to your cookbook's metadata.rb.
  • To make all default preparations for using Nginx invoke include_recipe "nginx_lwrp" inside your designated recipe.
  • Now feel free to use all available LWRP provided by this cookbook.

Roles-based way

Another way to use this cookbook is just to add recipe[nginx_lwrp] to your run_list before your recipe, which is resonsible for your infrastructure.

I personally prefer the first way because if you stick to it you'll eventually get complete and explicit "documentation" for your specific server installation. But in any case, you'll get Nginx installed, nginx.conf configured from the default template we provide, LWRP defined and ready to use.

Official Nginx repo or default distro package

If you would like to use nginx package from official nginx repo, then just add recipe[nginx_lwrp::official-repo] or include_recipe 'nginx_lwrp::official-repo' before nginx_lwrp recipe invokation. Other wise default nginx package would be used from distro repository.



This resource manages your Nginx sites configuraions.


Action Description Default
create Creates site configuration file inside "sites-available" directory, but doesn't enable it.
enable Creates site configuration file inside "sites-available" directory, enables it (puts a symlink to it into "sites-enabled" directory) Yes
disable Ensures that site configuration file is disabled.
delete Disables and deletes site configuration file.


Attribute Description Default Value
name Name attribute: the name of the site's configuration file. nil
template Defines what erb template file from the cookbook that invokes this resource we should use. name.conf.erb
variables Variables to be used in the template.


# We want to use "" template file, do not want to pass any variables.
nginx_site ''

# Using custom-named template file and passing some variables, which can be used inside the template.
nginx_site '' do
  action :enable
  template 'forum-nginx.erb'
    listen_ip: '',
    remote_ips: [ '', '' ]

# Making sure that old site's configuration is disabled even if somebody has enabled it by hands.
nginx_site '' do
  action :disable


Resource is completle similar to nginx_site except it is made to manage stream section includes.


Action Description Default
create Creates site configuration file inside "streams-available" directory, but doesn't enable it.
enable Creates site configuration file inside "streams-available" directory, enables it (puts a symlink to it into "streams-enabled" directory) Yes
disable Ensures that site configuration file is disabled.
delete Disables and deletes site configuration file.


Attribute Description Default Value
name Name attribute: the name of the stream's configuration file. nil
template Defines what erb template file from the cookbook that invokes this resource we should use. name.conf.erb
variables Variables to be used in the template.


# We want to use "" template file, do not want to pass any variables.
nginx_stream 'stream-01'

# Using custom-named template file and passing some variables, which can be used inside the template.
nginx_stream 'tcp-stream' do
  action :enable
  template 'nginx-stream.erb'
    listen_ip: '',
    remote_ips: ''

# Making sure that old site's configuration is disabled even if somebody has enabled it by hands.
nginx_site 'old-stream' do
  action :disable


This resource is deprecated right now, use attributes instead.

node.default['nginx']['config']['OPTION'] = 'VALUE'

List of allowed attributes

There are also attributes that can accept either a string or an array of strings:

Small handy templates

As mentioned in the previous paragraph - main nginx config file acceps only limited set of options. But we always do some tuning like enabling compression, etc. I've created two small templates for a kind of configuration I usually use. It's a bit ugly and it's atemorary solution but may become usefull if you want some standart and clean confguration fast.

Invoke each of these templates only once otherwise you'll have invalid nginx config.


Defaults to:

gzip on;
gzip_http_version 1.0;
gzip_comp_level 4;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_types text/plain text/css application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript application/json;
gzip_disable msie6;
gzip_vary off;

How to use:

# Use its default parameters.
nginx_site '00-gzip' do
  cookbook 'nginx_lwrp'
  template 'gzip.conf.erb'

# Or you can fine tune it.
nginx_site '01-gzip' do
  cookbook 'nginx_lwrp'
  template 'gzip.conf.erb'
    enabled: true,
    http_version: '1.0',
    comp_version: 4,
    proxied: 'any',
    types: %w( text/plain text/css ),
    vary: 'off'


Defaults to:

sendfile on;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;
server_tokens off;
reset_timedout_connection off;

keepalive_timeout 65;

How to use:

# Use its default parameters.
nginx_site '02-some-handy-defaults' do
  cookbook 'nginx_lwrp'
  template 'some-handy-defaults.conf.erb'

# Or you can fine tune it.
nginx_site '03-some-handy-defaults' do
  cookbook 'nginx_lwrp'
  template 'some-handy-defaults.conf.erb'
    sendfile: 'on',
    tcp_nopush: 'on',
    tcp_nodelay: 'on',
    server_tokens: 'off',
    reset_timedout_connection: 'off',
    keepalive_timeout: 65


This resource and definition are deprecated right now. There are new attributes for log rotation configuration now:

node.default['nginx']['logrotate']['OPTION'] = 'VALUE'

Default logrotate configuration:

/var/log/nginx/*.log {
    rotate 7
    create 640 root adm
      test -f /var/run/ && kill -USR1 "$(cat /var/run/"


Attribute Description Default Value
logs Log files to be rotated. Wildcards are allowed. /var/log/nginx/*.log
how_often Defines how often we should rotate logs. Allowed values are daily, weekly, monthly. daily
copytruncate If true truncate the original log file to zero size in place after creating a copy, instead of moving the old log file and optionally creating a new one. false
dateext If true archive old versions of log files adding a daily extension like YYYYMMDD instead of simply adding a number. The extension may be configured using the dateformat option. false
delaycompress If true postpone compression of the previous log file to the next rotation cycle. This only has effect when used in combination with compress. It can be used when some program cannot be told to close its logfile and thus might continue writing to the previous log file for some time. true
rotate Log files are rotated this number of times before being removed. 7
user Specifies the user name who will own the log file. root
group Specifies the group the log file will belong to. adm
mode Specifies the mode for the log file in octal. 640
pidfile Path to file that contains pid nuber of Nginx master process. If copytruncate is set to false we should send USR1 signal to that Nginx process to make it reopen log files after log rotation. /var/run/


This resource is deprecated right now.


This resource is deprecated right now.


This definitions is deprecated right now. Use attribute to disable cleanup:

node.default['nginx']['enable_cleanup'] = false


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License and Author

Kirill Kouznetsov (

Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Kirill Kouznetsov

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.