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The project is the FMS (fleet management system) prototype of Autoware based on Zenoh.

FMS Architecture


Basic test

  • Install prerequisite
  • Run Web Server & API Server
# Before the following steps, please source ROS 2 environment
  • You can use environment here to test FMS
    • Remember to change the IP in docker-compose.yml to FMS IP.

Integration with Carla

Here is the tutorial how to run FMS with Carla.



Please check our roadmap in GitHub Project

For Developers

You can use pre-commit and Ruff to have correct Python format

python3 -m pip install pre-commit ruff
pre-commit install --install-hooks

Autoware API


Category Name Type Description Note
Pose /api/vehicle/kinematics autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/msg/VehicleKinematics Get vehicle kinematics
Pose /api/routing/route autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/msg/Route Get the route and the goal position
Pose /planning/mission_planning/goal geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped Set the goal position and orientation AWS has't provided API for setting goal
Pose /control/gate_mode_cmd tier4_control_msgs/msg/GateMode Set the gate mode to AUTO To be replaced by /api/operation_mode/enable_autoware_control
Status /api/external/get/cpu_usage tier4_autoware_msgs/tier4_external_api_msgs/msg/CpuUsage Get the current CPU usage statistics
Status /api/external/get/vehicle/status tier4_autoware_msgs/tier4_external_api_msgs/msg/VehicleStatusStamped Get gear shift and turn signal
Teleop /api/external/get/vehicle/status tier4_autoware_msgs/tier4_external_api_msgs/msg/VehicleStatusStamped Get gear shift and turn signal
Teleop /control/gate_mode_cmd tier4_control_msgs/msg/GateMode Set the gate mode to External To be replaced by /api/operation_mode/disable_autoware_control
Teleop /api/external/set/command/remote/shift tier4_autoware_msgs/tier4_external_api_msgs/msg/GearShiftStamped Set gear shift from FMS
Teleop /external/selected/control_cmd autoware_auto_control_msgs/AckermannControlCommand Set longitudinal speed and acceleration AWS has't provided API for setting speed
Camera /sensing/camera/traffic_light/image_raw sensor_msgs/msg/Image Get camera image AWS has't provided API for streaming camera image


Category Name Type Description
Pose /api/operation_mode/change_to_autonomous autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/srv/ChangeOperionMode Change the operation mode to autonomous
Teleop /api/operation_mode/change_to_remote autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/srv/ChangeOperionMode Change the operation mode to remote