A foundational set of web services that implement industry standard guidelines, common best practices, and the experienced insights afforded to Lighthouse Software thru decades of enterprise business software development.
Created and supported by Lighthouse Software @ https://LighthouseSoftware.com
Run the Voyage API and execute a JSON API request within 5 minutes
Download the source locally
- Ensure you have Git installed locally or within your IDE
- This example will assume you are at a terminal console command prompt.
- NOTE: If you choose to use your own IDE, then follow the git clone instructions for your particular IDE
git clone https://github.com/lssinc/voyage-api-java.git
Start the app
- Gradle build system is used to build, test, and run the application
- Using the "gradew" commands in the root of the project will automatically download and install a local version of Gradle
./gradlew bootRun
Verify the app is running
Once the app is done starting up and loading the in-memory database with seed data, the following log statement will display in the console:
INFO 23204 --- [ main] voyage.App : Started App in 27.519 seconds (JVM running for 28.708)
Open a browser and access the general "status" web service at http://localhost:8080/api/status. A JSON response should appear like the following:
Get an OAuth2 Authorization token to execute requests on the API
On the terminal, run the following cURL command (OSX, Linux already has cURL. Download for Windows)
curl -u client-super:secret -X POST -d "client_id=client-super&client_secret=secret&grant_type=client_credentials" http://localhost:8080/oauth/token
The return should be a JSON result like the following:
"token_type":"bearer", "expires_in":7199, "scope":"Read Data Write Data", "created":1527473447843, "jti":"77a008f4-0820-4619-a50a-acb11224853a"}```
Copy the "access_token" value from the JSON response
Execute a GET request for a list of users
- cURL command:
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer PUT_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE" http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users
- cURL example:
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer 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.QyIgq2HmFDXUT-nKLXJLudA3yQP0bz_wi6Ru9lPizs4UbPOawxlLHQauapsdpN2yXd611pYILRUwGP9F8C_H-fJ28uBs7bRpCUN8dslwHovk-1K8Gs5wjyuibQ-YZQqfi_LxsE7-cNS2el7j86Pqfw_RAFnsr4A9wRi9oAu8tSJ611PGBSUimMssZRULzcbh7zHUbPhDHOPY2NR2YapETclyPQap5qmFcqJE1BpGt0ZtdpUb8qX_Rjw7Y8lHxjg5ux583sdZFlENZF1hf1SvJw0XaNgs2f9R-n0F8Y4zBJwqEA-8-OdrLFBdmYUpwR5xA83ohoZNi1QEhr-UedViBg" http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users
View API documentation
Read Developer Documentation for more detailed instructions
- HTTP Compliant RESTful API
- Follows HTTP protocols for RESTful web services
- Lightweight JSON requests and responses
- See our Web Service Standards
- Public API Status Service
- Web service that provides general status of the API to the public
- Helpful endpiont for automated monitoring
- User Administration Services
- Full suite of user administration web services (list, get, create, update, delete)
- Secured access through role based security
- Account Management Services
- Users can update their account information themselves
- Manage account settings
- Password reset
- API Documentation
- Complete documentation for web services consumers
- Includes detailed descriptions and example to quickly interact with the API
- OWASP Hacker Proof
- Tested nightly against OWASP common hacks (particularly the top 10)
- Tested nightly using 3rd party penetration testing services to ensure entperprise grade security!
- OAuth2 Authentication
- Bearer Token authentication configuraiton
- SHA2 hash encrypted user password (when authenticating using the database)
- Supports other authentication methods
- Active Directory / LDAP Authentication
- Extends OAuth2 to support authentication with an AD/LDAP system
- Supports Enterprise SSO environments using AD/LDAP
- Role Based Authorization
- Custom role definitions to suit any situation
- Supports granular security permissions
- Full suite of role administration web services (list, get, create, update, delete)
- Forgot Username / Password Support
- Web services that allow users to reset their username and/or password
- Validates a user via their email address
- Auditing
- Complete enterprise access and data auditing to meet compliance requirements
- HTTP Request / Response logging to track user activity (anonymous and authenticated users)
- Database change logging to track manipulation of data over time (anonymous and authenticated users)
- JSON RESTful Web Services
- JSON request/response interaction
- Strict REST implementation
- apiDoc documentation generated from source code comments
- Spring Boot
- Spring MVC / REST
- Groovy
- Spring Security
- Hibernate
- (auditing, logging, ...)
- Database Neutral
- Capable of integrating with any major database vendor (SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, MySQL, etc)
- Database interactions follow SQL99 standards with no vendor specific database features relied upon
- Liquibase database migrations produce on-demand SQL specific to the integrated database
- Integrated Test Suite
- Automated test coverage using Spock testing framework
- Tests executed during every build to ensure high quality code coverage
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- Jenkins CI jobs able to invoke Gradle and apiDoc commands to build, test, and package
- Jenkins jobs included with API source
- Supports other CI environments like Team Foundation Server (TFS)
- Team Protocols
- Fast learning curve through clear documentation
- Easy values, standards, best practices that most developers will agree to follow
- Core Values
- Documented core values that we believe will resonate with most development teams
- Unifies teams and promotes healthy communication
- See our Core Values documentation
- Coding Standards
- Industry accepted language coding standards
- Best practices when developing within the code base
- Standard enforced using static code analysis at build time (CodeNarc)
- See our Development Team Standards
- Deploy Instructions
- Full instructions on how to properly build, test, and package the API app for deploy
- Continuous Integration job templates for QA, UAT, and PROD
- Docker Support
- Preconfigured Dockerfile for deployment within Amazon Web Services environment
- Generate a Docker bundle for distribution using built-in tasks
- Customize to fit any environment
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Elastic Beanstalk
- Supports AWS Elastic Beanstalk using a Docker image
- Run a build task to generate an AWS EB compatible .zip file
- API Monitoring
- Configure automated web uptime monitoring to use the Status Web Service
- DevOps Ready
- Ansible scripts for deploying the API Docker image to the Amazon Web Service (AWS) environment
- Customize scripts to support any environment