A cookiecutter for creating python packages with all the mod-cons:
- pre-commit checks with flake8 (linting) and black (formatting)
- pytest setup
- github actions for pre-commit, pytest and (optional) PyPi deployment
- Sphinx docs builds
- Circle CI for documentation testing
- github issues templates
See tests/test_bake/test_bake_with_defaults.yml, for the list of created files.
$ pip install cookiecutter # tested with cookiecutter==1.6
$ cookiecutter https://github.com/executablebooks/python-pkg-cookiecutter.git
Enter created folder then run tests:
$ pip install -e .[code_style,testing]
$ flake8 .
$ black .
$ pytest
To use pre-commit, the package must be in a git repository
$ git init
$ git add *
# to apply to staged files
$ pre-commit run
# restage if changes
$ git add *
# to run on commits
$ pre-commit install
$ git commit -m 'Initial commit'
PyPi deployment requires a PyPI API token to be added to the GitHub secrets (named PYPI_KEY
It is setup to deploy on tagged commits (if tests pass).