This package is a helper component to determine Bootstrap 4 breakpoints in Vue.js.
To install the package use one of the following commands:
npm install @averjs/responsive-helper
# OR
yarn add @averjs/responsive-helper
Register the plugin:
import Vue from 'vue';
import ResponsiveHelper from '@averjs/responsive-helper';
Implement it in eg. App.vue:
<div id="app">
<responsive-helper />
<span v-text="bp" v-if="showSpan"></span>
export default {
computed() {
bp() {
return this.$bp.currentBreakpoint();
showSpan() {
return this.$bp.down('md');
The component adds a instance property called $bp
. It exposes 3 Methods described below. By wrapping those methods inside a computed property you can make use of reactivity, like shown above.
String (optional) The name for the component.
Array (optional)
An array of strings with the breakpoints. Default values are [ 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl' ].
Checks if the passed breakpoint is smaller or equal the given breakpoint.
bp String (required)
You can pass a string with the breakpoint you want to check. -
equals Boolen (optional) Default: true
Set to false if you dont want the given breakpoint to be included in calculation.
The same as down but the other way.
Returns the current breakpoint which is set when the window gets resized.