Create a note taking app from scratch using React.js, AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, and Cognito.
Live S3 Demo: Serverless S3
Live cloudfront Demo: Serverless CloudFront
APIGateWay URL is this
Follow this tutorial
- Should allow users to # and login to their accounts
- Users should be able to create notes with some content
- Each note can also have an uploaded file as an attachment
- Allow users to modify their note and the attachment
- Users can also delete their notes
- App should be served over HTTPS on a custom domain
- The backend APIs need to be secure
- The app needs to be responsive
- Lambda & API Gateway for our serverless API
- DynamoDB for our database
- Cognito for user authentication and securing our APIs
- S3 for hosting our app and file uploads
- CloudFront for serving out our app
- Route 53 for our domain
- Certificate Manager for SSL
- React.js for our single page app
- React Router for routing
- Bootstrap for the UI Kit