(Multi Variate Testing) Interpreter for PlanOut code written in Golang
Suppose we have a PlanOut experiment that randomly assigns users to a ranking function:
ranking = uniformChoice(choices=["relevance", "most_recent", "popularity"], unit=userid);
After compiling the above PlanOut script into JSON,
and saving the file into test/simple_ops.json
, we could execute the serialized
PlanOut code using the following Go code:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Read PlanOut code from file on disk.
data, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("test/simple_ops.json")
// The PlanOut code is expected to use JSON, see the PlanOut compiler, see
// http://facebook.github.io/planout/docs/planout-language.html for details
var serialized_code map[string]interface{}
json.Unmarshal(data, &serialized_code)
// Initialize the expected input for the script, 'userid'
// note that experiment_salt doesn't belong in the inputs.
input := map[string]interface{} {"userid": 42, "experiment_salt" : "first_experiment"}
// Construct an instance of the Interpreter object, which
// includes the experiment-level salt and inputs.
expt := &goplanout.Interpreter{
Salt: "global_salt",
Evaluated: false,
Inputs: input,
Outputs: map[string]interface{}{},
Overrides: map[string]interface{}{},
// Call the Run(...) method on the Interpreter instance.
// The output of the run will contain the dictionary
// of variables and associated values that were evaluated
// as part of the experiment.
output, ok := expt.Run(serialized_code)
if !ok {
fmt.Println("Failed to run the experiment")
} else {
fmt.Printf("Params: %v\n", params)
Each execution of the above experiment will result in setting the variable ranking
. The output to stdout will look like:
Params: map[experiment_salt:expt userid:noocavzddw salt:id ranking:"most_recent"]