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Container for Alpine Linux + Chromium Browser

This image containerizes the Chromium browser.

Based on Alpine Linux from my alpine-glibc image with the s6 init system overlayed in it.

The image is tagged respectively for the following architectures,

  • armhf
  • x86_64 (retagged as the latest )

armhf builds have embedded binfmt_misc support and contain the qemu-user-static binary that allows for running it also inside an x64 environment that has it.

Get the Image

Pull the image for your architecture it's already available from Docker Hub.

# make pull
docker pull woahbase/alpine-chromium:x86_64


If you want to run images for other architectures, you will need to have binfmt support configured for your machine. multiarch, has made it easy for us containing that into a docker container.

# make regbinfmt
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register --reset

Without the above, you can still run the image that is made for your architecture, e.g for an x86_64 machine..

Before you run..

  • This image already has a user alpine configured to drop privileges to the passed PUID/PGID which is ideal if its used to run in non-root mode. That way you only need to specify the values at runtime and pass the -u alpine if need be. (run id in your terminal to see your own PUID/PGID values.)

  • Uses --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN and optionally --net=host.

  • To preserve data mount the /home/alpine dir in your local. By default mounts $PWD/data.

  • Default directs audio to the pulseaudio client whether mounted locally from the host system, or a remote pulseaudio server, to use /dev/snd (or alsa), need to update /home/alpine/.asoundrc.

  • If docker is not allowed to access the local X-server running on the host, make sure DISPLAY is exported and also, might need to run xhost +local:docker.

  • Default cmd runs with sandboxing enabled using the --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN. To run in non-sandboxed mode, remove it and pass --no-sandbox when running, or get JessFrazelle's seccomp chrome.json file from here. Need to pass the flag --security-opt seccomp=/path/to/chrome.json to use it.

Running make starts the browser.

# make
docker run --rm -it \
  --name docker_chromium --hostname chromium \
  -e PGID=1000 -e PUID=1000 \
  -c 512 -m 2096m \
  --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN \
  -e DISPLAY=unix:0 \
  -e PULSE_SERVER=localhost \
  -v /usr/share/fonts:/usr/share/fonts:ro \
  -v data:/home/alpine \
  -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
  -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus \

Stop the container with a timeout, (defaults to 2 seconds)

# make stop
docker stop -t 2 docker_chromium

Removes the container, (always better to stop it first and -f only when needed most)

# make rm
docker rm -f docker_chromium

Restart the container with

# make restart
docker restart docker_chromium

Shell access

Get a shell inside a already running container,

# make debug
docker exec -it docker_chromium /bin/bash

set user or login as root,

# make rdebug
docker exec -u root -it docker_chromium /bin/bash

To check logs of a running container in real time

# make logs
docker logs -f docker_chromium


If you have the repository access, you can clone and build the image yourself for your own system, and can push after.


Before you clone the repo, you must have Git, GNU make, and Docker setup on the machine.

git clone
cd alpine-chromium

You can always skip installing make but you will have to type the whole docker commands then instead of using the sweet make targets.


You need to have binfmt_misc configured in your system to be able to build images for other architectures.

Otherwise to locally build the image for your system. [ARCH defaults to x86_64, need to be explicit when building for other architectures.]

# make ARCH=x86_64 build
# sets up binfmt if not x86_64
docker build --rm --compress --force-rm \
  --no-cache=true --pull \
  -f ./Dockerfile_x86_64 \
  --build-arg DOCKERSRC=woahbase/alpine-glibc:x86_64 \
  --build-arg PGID=1000 \
  --build-arg PUID=1000 \
  -t woahbase/alpine-chromium:x86_64 \

To check if its working..

# make ARCH=x86_64 test
docker run --rm -it \
  --name docker_chromium --hostname chromium \
  -e PGID=1000 -e PUID=1000 \
  woahbase/alpine-chromium:x86_64 \

And finally, if you have push access,

# make ARCH=x86_64 push
docker push woahbase/alpine-chromium:x86_64


Sources at Github. Built at (armhf / x64 builds). Images at Docker hub. Metadata at Microbadger.

Maintained by WOAHBase.


Chromium Browser image running on Alpine Linux + GlibC






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  • Makefile 100.0%