Inspired by the great library reselect (
You can provide a "memoization key" at selector call, it really useful if you want to use a selector but in specific case you want to have differents memoizations for differents dynamic sources
Example : you have a collection of 6 books,
By doing the following code, you can generate derived data for each book, but the most important if you change a state data about the second book, only the related object will be regenerated and not the all 6, it is really useful, in a react project using shouldComponentUpdate and really improve your performance. You can share component between components, make sure the memoization key is correct
import { createSelector } from "memoized-computations"
const selectCollectionName = state => state.collection
const selectBooks = function(state) {, index) => {
selectBook(state, {
bookState : item,
}, "collection_item" + index) // YOU CAN SPECIFY THE MEMOIZATION KEY AS 3rd PARAMETER
const selectCollection = createSelector(
[selectCollectionName, selectBooks],
(collectionName, books) => {
return {
name : collectionName,
count : books.length,
const selectAuthor = (state, parameters, memoizationKey) => {
// Memoization key will be "collection_item0", "collection_item1" and so on ...
// bookState can be found in parameters.bookState
export const selectBook = createSelector(
[selectAuthor, selectCategoryById],
(author, cateogy) => {
return {
** If you don't specify a memoization key, the selector will compare sources/inputs values with its previous one (even if the previous call used a memoization key) :**
selectAmazingStuff(state, stuff1, "stuff1") // First computation for this key, saving in global memoization with key "stuff1"
selectAmazingStuff(state, stuff1, "stuff2") // First computation for this key, saving in global memoization with key "stuff2"
selectAmazingStuff(state, stuff1, "stuff1") // Second computation, comparing with memoization data for key "stuff1"
selectAmazingStuff(state, stuff1) // No memoization calculation, the sources values will be compared with the previous one, "stuff1"
selectAmazingStuff(state, stuff1, "stuff2") // Second computation, comparing with memoization data for key "stuff2"
Instead of comparing all values with the same comparator (default : ===), you can change it for a specific source :
import { createSelector, shallowComparator } from "memoized-computations"
const selectCollection = createSelector(
[selectCollectionName, shallowComparator(selectBooks)],
(collectionName, books) => {
// ....
collectionName will be comparated with its previous value using "===" but books will be comparated using shallow equal comparaison