Python client to interact with GLPI webservices plugin
glpi-client provides 2 clients to interact with GLPI webservices plugin:
- XMLRPC client (preferred)
- REST Client
from glpi_client.XMLRPCClient import XMLRPCClient
glpi = XMLRPCClient('http://localhost/glpi')
glpi.connect('login', 'password')
From this glpi object, you can call all GLPI webservices methods listed on this page:
For each webservices method, you can use python help() method
glpi.getObject method (
Will give you this output:
Help on function getObject in module glpi_client.XMLRPCClient:
getObject(module='glpi', **kwargs)
Wrapper for GLPI webservices getObject method:
It could be a good idea to see method's reference page:
@param module: webservices module to call (default: glpi)
@type module: str
@param kwargs: options for getObject method:
- with_softwareversion: bool
- with_document: bool
- show_label: bool, optional
- with_ticketvalidation: bool
- with_peripheral: bool
- help: bool,optional
- with_infocom: bool, optional
- with_contract: bool
- show_name: bool, optional
- with_tickettask: bool
- with_ticketfollowup: bool
- with_software: bool
- with_networkport: bool, optional
- with_reservation: bool
- with_softwarelicense: bool
- with_printer: bool
- with_monitor: bool
- with_ticket: bool
- id: integer
- with_phone: bool, optional (Computer only)
@type kwargs: dict
Then, use it !
On my GLPI install, it provides this result:
{'autoupdatesystems_id': '1',
'computermodels_id': '1',
'computertypes_id': '1',
'contact': 'jc',
'date_mod': '2014-02-13 09:50:20',
'domains_id': '1',
'entities_id': '1',
'groups_id': '0',
'groups_id_tech': '0',
'id': '290',
'locations_id': '0',
'manufacturers_id': '1',
'name': 'trinity',
'networks_id': '0',
'operatingsystems_id': '1',
'operatingsystemservicepacks_id': '0',
'operatingsystemversions_id': '11',
'serial': 'R9PZ865',
'states_id': '1',
'users_id': '0',
'users_id_tech': '0',
'uuid': '10F82C81-5267-11CB-863F-DC00B89EBF52'}
glpi.updateObjects method (
Will give you this output:
Help on function updateObjects in module glpi_client.XMLRPCClient:
updateObjects(module='glpi', **kwargs)
Wrapper for GLPI webservices updateObjects method:
It could be a good idea to see method's reference page:
@param module: webservices module to call (default: glpi)
@type module: str
@param kwargs: options for updateObjects method:
- fields: array, mandatory
- help: bool, optional
@type kwargs: dict
Then, use it !
update_info = {
'Computer': [
'states_id' : '16'
result = glpi.updateObjects(fields=update_info)