Our API link. Our heroku link.
Week 9 Single-Page Application project
This is a project created as part of the Founders and Coders curriculum, week 9. Our project this week is to build a frontend for one of the APIs from REST API week. It should be a single-page app rendered with client-side JavaScript.
- The project requirements.
- The API we are using for this project is one we created a previous week.
- As a user, I want to: see all the resources
- As a user, I want to: # for an account
- As a user, I want to: log in to my account
- As a user, I want to: add my own resources
- As a user, I want to: update my own resources
- As a user, I want to: delete my own resources
- A single-page app (only one HTML file)
- Accessible #/# forms
- Token-based authentication (storing token in localStorage)
- Form for adding new resources (only for logged in users)
- Works well across Chrome, Firefox and Safari/Edge browsers
- Buttons to delete existing resources (for logged in users)
- Form for updating existing resources (for logged in users)
- Easter Egg
- Loading spinner
- Lisa - Scrum Facilitator
- Lil Tea/T-Cup - Design
- Aishah - Deployment
- Azizi - Quality
- All of our past workshops